New Grower First grow using a spacebucket!

Jan 3, 2017
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Hi and welcome!

This is my first grow ever! After browsing through seedbank's and reading on autoflower's I chose to go with Mephisto Genetics and bought 1x Skystomper! When my package came i had a few more seed's in it including the subject of my journal!

My Setup consists of :
- 1x 5 gal spacebucket
- 1x 150w Ufo LED Full spectrum
- Canna Coco Medium
- Canna Coco A & B nutriments
- 1x 3 Gal Smartpot

I decided to start one of the freebies they gave me which was a White Crack. I germinated the seed with the paper towel method and waited 3 days before putting the seedling in my medium in the smartpot.

I am now on day 4 here!

If you have any tips to give to me go ahead :)
Looking healthy, should do well. You really need more light for best results, your pots are big enough to produce big plants and the UFO won't handle one big plant let alone two. Of course, I'm talking maximizing yield you'll still get some good bud with your setup.
Looking healthy, should do well. You really need more light for best results, your pots are big enough to produce big plants and the UFO won't handle one big plant let alone two. Of course, I'm talking maximizing yield you'll still get some good bud with your setup.
Hey thanks for joining in! My grow area is pretty small as it is a 5 gallon bucket with added spacers! I didn't mention it in the op but i ordered a vero 29 COB to replace the UFO as i find it too noisy! I'm just looking to learn as much as i can here!
Hey all!

Hope you guys are having a great evening! Today, I received my cob chip and driver from the mail!!


Now onto my little baby! She's now at day 6 in our world and i keep being amazed at how fast she's growing!
I fed her around 75 ml of tap water earlier today with some Canna Coco A/B at 1ml per liter. My tap water reading is around 145ppm and with my added nutes it was around 300ish.


I keep the lights on 24 hours so far to make sure she doesn't catch a cold! my temp is on average 72-75f and the rh goes in between 50 to 70%

Thanks for checking!! :)
Looking good, will you use something the size of a PC fan for air circulation?
I actually have a 1x 92mm fan acting as intake but it's only passive*(only works when the bigger exhaust fan is powered on it creates negative pressure) and my exhaust fan is a 120mm dc fan! I didn't start the exhaust fan yet. It's actually something I am not sure on but think i should wait a couple days atleast before using it!