First Grow Set Up Advice, Please

Aug 10, 2019
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Hello to all. Just trying to finalize a couple major components to my first grow set up. Namely: lights, soil and nutrients.
Total Budget for Grow: $6,000
Tent: 6.5’ x 6.5’ x 6.5’
Goal: 4-6 pounds
Obviously, I don’t expect to hit my goal on my first grow. But, I do feel like that is a big enough tent that 4-6# is certainly realistic each cycle. I’m trying to help myself by choosing autos that are 1) high yielding 2) known to be more resistant to mold, mites, etc.
Lights: This is a major expense and a decision I’m not comfortable making without some input. I NEED A PLUG & PLAY system. I do not have the technical expertise to feel comfortable building my own lights. I’m also able to purchase a portable a/c unit if needed to control temps in the tent. Temp range needs to be 80-85f, correct? I will have 1 fan drawing air in from another room in the house and 1 fan removing air through a charcoal filter. Then probably 2 fans circulating air around the girls inside the tent.
Soil Medium: I’m choosing an organic soil as the medium because 1) everything I’ve read indicates it should be more forgiving than a hydro system (as it pertains to supplying nutrients) 2) I want a high quality soil that is going to be as close to a full cycle food source as possible. I know I will be adding nutrients at some point in time. I’m just trying to limit the number of feedings per cycle. Less chance for me to screw it up. Will be using r/o water. I’m starting the seedlings off in 4” pots in either FF Light Warrior, Sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG], HP Promix, or some similar light, airy soil. Mixing in some perlite. After about 14 days I will gently transplant the kids into 3 gal airpots thru harvest. But here’s where I’m stuck. So much conflicting info on everything has me undecided on the transplant medium. Thought I was decided on Happy Frog until I got on AFN and learned that maybe there is some quality control issues with FF products. I looked into KIS Organics Biochar soil. Looks great! Is very expensive!! I’ll pay it if I need to.
Alternative suggestions? I should probably also note that I’m in the U.S. and looking for products readily available here.
Nutrients: Same deal as with the much info it’s very confusing. Everything seems so specific to each growers unique set up. I need suggestions on nutes needed to supplement what I hope to be a rich organic base soil. I don’t want the soil or the nutes to burn up my girls, for sure. MegaCrop? Organic Plant Magic? I’ve heard Biotabs mentioned some but just haven’t looked into it thoroughly, yet.
Sorry for the long post lol. These are the most critical and expensive pieces to the puzzle. Just trying to finalize my decisions and get the grow started. I received my tent yesterday and need to get the lights ASAP! Any input y’all might have is greatly appreciated.
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Hello to all. Just trying to finalize a couple major components to my first grow set up. Namely: lights, soil and nutrients.
Total Budget for Grow: $6,000
Tent: 6.5’ x 6.5’ x 6.5’
Goal: 4-6 pounds
Obviously, I don’t expect to hit my goal on my first grow. But, I do feel like that is a big enough tent that 4-6# is certainly realistic each cycle. I’m trying to help myself by choosing autos that are 1) high yielding 2) known to be more resistant to mold, mites, etc.
Lights: This is a major expense and a decision I’m not comfortable making without some input. I NEED A PLUG & PLAY system. I do not have the technical expertise to feel comfortable building my own lights. I’m also able to purchase a portable a/c unit if needed to control temps in the tent. Temp range needs to be 80-85f, correct? I will have 1 fan drawing air in from another room in the house and 1 fan removing air through a charcoal filter. Then probably 2 fans circulating air around the girls inside the tent.
Soil Medium: I’m choosing an organic soil as the medium because 1) everything I’ve read indicates it should be more forgiving than a hydro system (as it pertains to supplying nutrients) 2) I want a high quality soil that is going to be as close to a full cycle food source as possible. I know I will be adding nutrients at some point in time. I’m just trying to limit the number of feedings per cycle. Less chance for me to screw it up. Will be using r/o water. I’m starting the seedlings off in 4” pots in either FF Light Warrior, Sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG], HP Promix, or some similar light, airy soil. Mixing in some perlite. After about 14 days I will gently transplant the kids into 3 gal airpots thru harvest. But here’s where I’m stuck. So much conflicting info on everything has me undecided on the transplant medium. Thought I was decided on Happy Frog until I got on AFN and learned that maybe there is some quality control issues with FF products. I looked into KIS Organics Biochar soil. Looks great! Is very expensive!! I’ll pay it if I need to.
Alternative suggestions? I should probably also note that I’m in the U.S. and looking for products readily available here.
Nutrients: Same deal as with the much info it’s very confusing. Everything seems so specific to each growers unique set up. I need suggestions on nutes needed to supplement what I hope to be a rich organic base soil. I don’t want the soil or the nutes to burn up my girls, for sure. MegaCrop? Organic Plant Magic? I’ve heard Biotabs mentioned some but just haven’t looked into it thoroughly, yet.
Sorry for the long post lol. These are the most critical and expensive pieces to the puzzle. Just trying to finalize my decisions and get the grow started. I received my tent yesterday and need to get the lights ASAP! Any input y’all might have is greatly appreciated.

heya @DreamClouds and :welcome: to afn! :toke: and wow, $6k-?? :yoinks: jeezus, i'd have TREEZ with that kinda scratch! haha :rofl: actually, 75-80f is way better, but like all thingz, that'z jus me own 2 ctz & take with salt plz ;) and well, me can't personally make any good reco on soil, cuz me only on me second grow...i'm uzin the ffof, but am startin to have doubtz about it, as the ph of it has been like 7.5-7.7 from the beginning, lol, and me girlz have started to go south now after 55d :shrug:anyway, ur right, in that each grower'z setup is uzually unique to that individual & it'z a matter of constant trial & error for sure, lol

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :greenthumb:
Lights: This is a major expense and a decision I’m not comfortable making without some input. I NEED A PLUG & PLAY system
Check out the Autocob from I own 6 of the 3500K. They are small and easy to move, no noise as there is no fan, low heat throw, .49 amp, and bright as the sun. Built by a member.
@AutoWonders Thank you for the suggestion. Definitely digging the low amp draw. How many would I need for a 6.5 x 6.5 tent? I figure I need about 12 plants to have a shot at my 4-6# goal.

Edit: I’ll check them out and seek some advice from cobshop. I Appreciate your help!
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@420Forever Thank u for the correction on the temp range. And, yes the ph issue with FF is part of the reason I decided to pass on their line. Though I haven’t read any issues with ph of the Light Warrior for the seedlings.
@420Forever Thank u for the correction on the temp range. And, yes the ph issue with FF is part of the reason I decided to pass on their line. Though I haven’t read any issues with ph of the Light Warrior for the seedlings.

ya, me jus got a bag of the frog a couple dayz ago & am gonna try that next...*fingerz crossed* :rolleyes2: ppp
This is my third row I didn't have much of a problem with the lights that stuff's easy it's what not to do with an Autoflower that I had trouble learning I can't tell you how to grow a good Autoflower but I can tell you how to stunt one if you want to you said you want to plant 15 I'd start 25 and then pick out the 15 best they'll show up real quick you got a budget to waste a few seeds you'll be happy in the end my first two grows I used Happy Frog ocean Farm this time I'm using Coco coir my first root systems were about the size of a half gallon I'm on day 20 and I've Got Roots coming out of the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket with four gallons of Coco coir in it light being with nutrients I got at the grocery shop if you really want to know what they were I have to go look I've got a teen girls popping off got some following up doing a legal grow with a grow buddy and it's been great
It took me a while to convince the old heads I'm working with that autoflowers had their place along with photo. they smoke some of that dark devil from Supreme seeds or sweet seeds change their mind
@Gimemy , Thanks for the input. The “what not to do” is why I figured I’d try an organic soil that would kinda slow release nutes and require me to do less tinkering with supplemental feedings. The main info I learned from reading AFN is: 1) Do Not over feed with nutrients 2) Do Not over water 3) Pay close attention to providing an optimum environment ( temp, ph, humidity, etc) 4) Select high quality seeds and let them do what they do without loving them to death.
Update: I’ve settled on the soil. I’m going with Great Lakes Water Only or the KIS Organic Biochar. Will be increasing to 5# or 7# Smart Pots to better ensure there’s enough nutrients through harvest. I do intend to add some organic tea for flower/bloom but still researching my options there. Trying to use a quality, but not overwhelming, mix to recharge the soil a little. I’m committed to NOT burning these up with food and NOT watering them to death. Hopefully, the additional expense with the soil will pay for itself in the long run. Took me over a year to save the money for this lol. Just trying to make the most of my opportunity!
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