I did a great deal of research so I thought Germinated 5 seeds all popped then planted in 3 gal with
Ocean pre Watered the pots with DI water PH 6.5 Had nice 5 sprouts and then wam 1 at a time a Damping Effect strongest plant first of course then 2 smaller ones have 2 left but very worried.
Temp 75 degrees
Humidity 65%
T5 grow lights full spec 6500k and 2700
Watered edges once after a week then week 2 the failure occured soil PH 6.2 soil wet light 500 based on my tester Hope its not the Medium being to hot on Nutriants any Ideas would be great I am so pissed right now
Temp 75 degrees
Humidity 65%
T5 grow lights full spec 6500k and 2700
Watered edges once after a week then week 2 the failure occured soil PH 6.2 soil wet light 500 based on my tester Hope its not the Medium being to hot on Nutriants any Ideas would be great I am so pissed right now