New Grower First Grow - July 2021 Run

Random note:

So I decided to feed the 2 photos outside today. Tiger bloom is reading like 2.1ph on its own. I'm adding the bembe as well for the carb boost. Started with water that had been treated with absorbic acid and then later Silica, which has been sitting for days now. Starting ph was 8+. After adding the tiger bloom it came down like crazy, and once I added the bembe it settled at 2.8. Added some more Silica I had mixed 1:1 with water to try to bring the ph up but wasn't able to get it much above 3. Ended up having to add another 12ml of ph+ to even get it over 6. :wall: before doing that I PHed all of the ff nutes to see if I could use *any* of them to bring it up some, but no. The only one above a ph of 4ish was big bloom and that was barely above neutral. No *wonder* people have so much issue with their nutes. Besides them suggesting way too much, they also don't mention *anywhere* that you need to ph the solution after mixing.

I am now a firm member of the "soil growers using salt nutes should absolutely be checking their PH" camp.

Adding the tiger bloom

After adding the bembe

Having to add that much PH+ is nuts and will absolutely end up throwing your nute values way out of proportion.

Purple Cookies Photo (Greenpoint)
Popped 7/4/21
Day 126

Motor Punch Photo (Greenpoint)
Popped 7/4/21
Day 126
Vaping a tester of the Purple Canyon plus the scissor hash. Super piney still, hubby called it "Christmas Cheer" lol. Apparently its his favorite out of everything I've grown so far. Which is fine by me cause tbh I'm not a huge fan yet lol. Hoping the flavor will develop into something a little more palatable as it cures. Not harsh really at all but its making me cough like a mother. High as shit though. Aftertaste isn't bad at all though, I may just not have been expecting the Christmas tree taste lmfao.
As of right now the tally stands:
White Widow x Big Bud (Female Seeds) - 6g
Critical Auto (Nirvana) - 30g
Somango XXL Auto (Nirvana) - 62g
Auto Kush (Female Seeds) - 34g
Rum Runner (Greenpoint) - 30g
Purple Canyon (Greenpoint) -24g
Total - 186g (6.64oz)

With two girls left to go! I think chances are pretty decent that I'll hit half a pound just from this first run. :jointman:
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