Captians Bong-7/30/15- I HAVE GIRLS LEFTY AND WHITEY ARE BOTH SHOWING PISTOLS HUUUUUUZAAAAAA thanks to everyone for the girly karma it has paid off as 2 of the Regular Russian Dragon beans turned out to be female. I gave them a little more water today about 11-O.z Lefty is getting huge and is showing in 3 clear places, Whitey has 2 big'ol pistols sticking out near the 3rd node on the top. I am so stoked, I took abunch of pictures and it will prolly take me a minute to label them all that is actually what I am doing now. "Lefty" is 19 days old and "Whitey" is 16 days. "Righty" showed his nuts @ 16 days as well and "Tighty" died of a N sensitivity at about 13 days *R.I.P* to the fallen "Homies" so overall 16 days is about the sex marker, "Lefty" is the only one that took a tad longer 19 days for her. They have about made it thru the first gallon of nute water 1/4 tsp-16-16-16 SeaGrow with 1/2tsp of Cal-Mag Plus, anyways they are lookin healthy and doing great, again thank you to everyone that gave us the girly karma and that has helped me to get this far, and to everyone in general for being so nice and helpful we really appreciate it .
Captains Bong- 7/31/15- Lefty and Whitey are doing really well, early this morning I spotted a little tiny white flea lookin bug on Lefty I proceed to smack the crap out the bug with a tissue, I checked the leaves and soil everything looks great a few people said springtails and I think that is what it probably was just something harmless in any event going to get some Neem Oil and Diatomaceous Earth to add to the top soil, I will trap'em like the croc hunter.. Tomorrow going to up the Nutes of the SeaGrow 16-16-16 from 1/4tsp to 1/2tsp I think they will do fine with it. Here are the pic's of the day I love my hairy arm-pitted gals. Have a mellow day and much love guys.
Captains Bong-8/1/15- The girls are growing like crazy pits are getting more hairy everyday, I have never been a fan of hairy pit chicks but I think my mind has been changed. I mixed a new batch of soup for them late last night, still per gallon of Crystal Geyser Spring Water I upped the Sea Grow All-Purpose 16-16-16 to 1/2TsP and mixed in the usual 1/2TsP of Cal-Mag Plus Ph the water to 6.78. *SideNote to all newbs like myself Crystal Geyser Spring Water's PH after you add nutes to it is about 6.9 so really you don't have to mess with it to much about 4 drops of PH down will bring it to 6.78 and you are good to go, I thought that was pretty cool and wanted to share * I am getting my humidity under control by sitting some open containers of water in the tent RH was a tad low but its sitting at about 55 now it has been since last night and they seem to like it, Temp is running at about 83 steady but yeah all is going good. Getting ready to upload the pics of the day and then chill out eat lunch and then smoke a bong of that MoHan Ram to the face, Have a mellow day guys and Much luv.:dragon6:
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