New Grower First Grow Journel Indoor 240 Watt Led, Russian Dragon

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All caught up now bro and everything is looking great, Lefty is fast becoming my fav i love the way the buds are starting to stack up on her so early, here is hoping she is gonna be one chunky mama for you ;)
Wow, I haven't been so entertained in a while. Let me catch my breath. Are your photos photoshopped by the way? he he.

I have to ask because I am using Sea Grow nutes aas well and they seem to be working!
I really like the Sea Grow line so far btw. Seaweedy enough and you better have calmag from what i know because there's little in there to begin with from the label.
Captains Bong-8/8/15- Gave the girls 14 O.z the the Red/Purple sizzurp this morning the little buds are so cute, and they are getting very stinky. I have also started fan leaf tucking originally I thought this to be stupid but it actually does work and it is easy as the leaves just slip down and out of the way of the bud, also today is going to be hard as I have to leave my ladies!:eek1: This will be the first time I have been away from them for more than srsly 5 hours. I have to take my daughter to see Mommy and I am staying the night I guess for reason's I will not get into. I will still do a entry for tomorrow it will probably just be in the evening instead of in the morning, but yeah gonna upload pics of the day then get ready to eat lunch, take a dump and then get medicated and make the journey to ex-wifes I guess:shrug:much Love guys have a Mellow day.



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I really like the Sea Grow line so far btw. Seaweedy enough and you better have calmag from what i know because there's little in there to begin with from the label.

Sorry Med for some reason your post did not show up until just now. Yes Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus is a must have. I have a gallon of it, and YES I really like SeaGrow as well in my opinion they are really good nutes. Also no my photos are not photoshopped lol? :crying:
:vibe:Captains Bong-8/9/15- Well I put off going to the Ex-Wifes yesterday so now I have to go today and probably stay the night which is going to be a real pain in my ass, I really do not want to leave Lefty and Whitey. Like this morning for example... My exhaust fan was suckin and the negative pressure was so great that one of the intake holes got kinda sucked in and one fan leafs from lefty was hitting it. Thankfully I put a piece of carpet under my tent which makes it very easy to slide, even with everything in it loaded down so I was able to slide the Gorilla out a little and grab the ropes and fix it. NOW had I not been here Lefty could have just sat there and got Mylar burn from rubbing against that all day and her feelings would have been hurt and she would have got a boo-boo and we cannot be having that.:crying:Now you see what I am dealing with:nono:anyways aside from that Lefty and Whitey are both doing very well as you can see the only thing/person/being that get's more attention than those 2 are my daughter. I fed them a big slurp of 14o.z of Juicy J so they will be good 2 go today and tomorrow. Each day the smell gets more and more stank and I love it, also I have been doing A-lot of Fan Leaf tucking&ducking and it is really working well. Also instead of that Platinum P300 I decided to go with a Mars 2 700w, I am waiting on Tina to reply so we can get a invoice so I do not have to use Pay-Pal because Pay-Pal is Satan:cuss:. Here are the pic's for today, I guess I am going to throw a wrench in my daily schedule and Eat lunch,take a dump,get medicated and then go to ex-wife to spend the night, where I am sure I will be forced to have relations against my will, I honestly would not mind going out to visit is she were not such a bitch...:haha: I guess that is why we divorced, any-who have a mellow day guys and stay baked.:vibe:


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:vibe:Captains Bong-8/10/15- It is hard to believe that 32 days ago I dropped my first lil Auto Russian Dragons into those pots. First there were four:smokeout:. Then four turned into three:tongue::joy::wall: and then three went down to two:pass: and that brings us to today :smoking:. Lefty is 30 days old today and Whitey is 27, it is really hard to believe that I have made it this far :d5: the girls are doing great! Also I took about a 8 or 9 year hiatus from smoking, the day Lefty sprouted I started hitting the bongs and bowls again and they were loaded with the Mohan Ram and YumBoldt I have been smoking for 30 days straight and before I started I felt like utter shit due to health problems and trust me when I say this if the cannabis had not made me feel better I would have stopped but I actually feel about 85% better it actually kind of amazed me but it is working 3 or 4 bong rips a day and I am a completely different person. I notice it not only after I smoke but just in general. I have to admit it was kind of intimidating starting off with such strong ass cannabis but after about 2 weeks I finally got a damn tolerance again and it feels great. I also have really, really bad OCD with some PTSD and Major Panic Disorder in Particular the Mohan Ram strips that shit away and seriously I could care less about alot of shit that used to drive me crazy. I am also in alot of daily pain due to something called Medullary Sponge Kidney. Someone told me on another forum that because I am scripted Opiates, 80mg of Oxycodone per day I have been on this dose for probably 7 years and it is starting to lose what good it did, that cannabis would not help my pain.. well to this I say BULLSHIT. The only two strains I have been smoking are Mohan Ram and Yumboldt. When it gets really bad the Mohan will completly kill it, when its not so bad the YumBoldt knocks it down and gives me a tad more energy where it is a slight bit more of a sativa. I sit here and think about all the Indica strains and Hybrids out there that I cannot wait to try. 30 days ago I was nauseated constantly, did not want to go out or do anything and was in a good deal of pain I have spent literally about 11 years in this shape, the last 5 or 6 years have been the worst I have a little girl to take care of so I cannot afford to be like that and I am not ashamed to say that cannabis saved my life I do believe. Anyone that wants to say that it is not a legit medication and try to demonize it are simply ignorant fools or are being coached to do so. I could rant for possibly days but I do not want to bore you all anymore lol:pighug:. My Ravishing Russians are doing great no changes in feeding or anything yet, soon I will be switching from 16-16-16 SeaGrow to 4-26-26 but that is not for a few more days, anyway here are pics of the day. Once again I must thank all of you guys on here and thank Sniper for helping me, you do not know how much it means to me to be able to live somewhat of a normal life AND found a awesome hobby and love in growing, much love guys and have a mellow day. :vibe:



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:vibe:Captains Bong-8/11/15- Gave Lefty and Whitey both 20o.z of the 16-16-16 this will be the last feeding of that. Next run they will get the 4-26-26, my Great White also came today but of course it was AFTER I already fed them :face:. Moved the light down a tad its 15-Inches on Whitey and 14 on Lefty. They are looking really good still I am really interested in seeing how the Great White affects them it will be interesting. Still have some nute burn but nothing major just a tips on lower leaves and a few spots on lower leaves, the forming buds look fantastic. Gonna be a short entry today I MIGHT go ahead and make a little mixture with the Great White and Inject lol I am not sure yet if I do I will update or like I said I may just wait until next feeding. Anyways here are the pics of the day guys, have a mellow day and much luv.:vibe:



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:vibe:Captains Bong-8/12/15-:amazon::cheers::headbang:- Girls are doing dandy today, I did not want to take chance on over watering them so I decided to wait to give them the Great White, I will do that on Friday when I switch to 4-26-26 1/2tsp bloom,1/2tsp of Cal-Mag Plus and 1/2tsp of the Great White to a Gallon of 6.8. The buds on both are starting to stack fairly well Whiteys buds are actually a tad bigger than Lefty I think that is because she is shorter, Lefty has a few good inches on her but she is filling in nicely. Besides a little bit of nute burn they are perfect as far as I can see, I am sure that to a more trained eye could see something and by all means if anyone looks at the pics and see's anything please feel free to tell me. I am still a noob and I am amazed that I have got to this point lol, I always say every other post or so how grateful I am that I have you guys and a friend on the hill to help the young grasshoppa and that maybe one day I can become the Masta.:bow: Here are the pics of the day, going to do my usual routine today... Eat lunch, take a dump,get baked and take care of my Lil'Girl and my 2 green ladies. Much luv guys have a mellow day.:vibe:



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