Indoor First grow - Green-o-Matic 600w HPS/MH

Its always on @Dudeski. Should really be no problem. Might as well get an intake fan instead and try that.. any exemple of a good intake fan?

Thanks @Headbudz77 for the input and picture, appreciate it mate. :)
And how powerful would it have to be...

For intake a small duct vent will do. But putting more air in the tent will not decrease smell, it will increase.
If your vent is not handling negative pressure, then if you pump air in, it will eventually leak out to the room.
Really I could be wrong here!
But the best in your case and set up it's either to change filter as it's not working or increase the vents capacity as to increase the negative pressure and let no air out of the tent, unless it passes the filter .
The negativa pressure is soo high, the tent is all sucked in...

Also just bought new expansive filter so that shouldnt be the problem... so clueless here honestly.
If you have good negative pressure the fan is good. Its a phresh filter right? You nay have a really stinky strain.
Negative is good, means it is all going out the exhaust hose. Stink is not!
Thats exactly the problem! @Headbudz77

Well its not going to be that much of a problem but it makes me mad that I can not fix it!

Thanks for your thoughts, will provide you with some pictures on vent and tents!