Indoor First Grow Attempt: 250w Dresser Stealth Soil Grow

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You have me stumped honestly. That's the first time I've seen leaves cupped like they have. Are the ends of your leaves burnt looking and possibly curled? Is there any signs of burn on the serrated edges? Magnesium problems and Nitrogen problems are easy to confuse and unless its a serious problem some might get a Calcium and Magnesium problem twisted. I tried doing some reading for you and the best they had was saying that is was nutrient burn that causes the cupping.

The new top growth is yellowish, the tips atleast. The HBD definitely has a Mg deficiency I'm thinking because of that bottom leaf with yellow patching. Serrated edges, like pointy upwards leafs? If so, yes the AKR has that written all over her. This has got me stumped too. They look like I'm stunting them even more. : (
I dont really see a mg deficency. You have a little nitrogen issue on the bottom leaves it looks like. Have you been watching your ph in your water? Have you calibrated your meter lately? I do mine about once a month and can see swings up to half a point some times. What is your soil ph reading at? Some times twisted leaves just happen. How are your temps running? What distance is the HPS from the top currently?
I dont really see a mg deficency. You have a little nitrogen issue on the bottom leaves it looks like. Have you been watching your ph in your water? Have you calibrated your meter lately? I do mine about once a month and can see swings up to half a point some times. What is your soil ph reading at? Some times twisted leaves just happen. How are your temps running? What distance is the HPS from the top currently?

Yea, I've been testing pH before each watering. I have the drops, no lectric meter yet. I have 2 kinds to get a close idea, but it gets harder with runoff and nutes. Run off last was around 6.0-6.3ish. Temps are under 77 usually, 82 max. HPS is about 9" away I think. Maybe a little more.
amigo you really need to get a good tester. There is nothing more critical or important than proper ph. A plant can really get messed up fast from hi and low swings. Here is what I have.

View attachment 22864 $10 hand held cheapie off ebay being calibrated View attachment 22865 $25 Cheapie with probe that goes in the water jug. I can monitor it all the time with this. :)
amigo you really need to get a good tester. There is nothing more critical or important than proper ph. A plant can really get messed up fast from hi and low swings. Here is what I have.

View attachment 22864 $10 hand held cheapie off ebay being calibrated View attachment 22865 $25 Cheapie with probe that goes in the water jug. I can monitor it all the time with this. :)

After this grow I will probably grab one of the electronics, but the majority of them are garbage! The probes go bad and you need all kinds of solutions that I didnt have money for when I buying everything so I went with the drops. Ones from General Hydroponics and the other is Wardley Junior ph indicator. The Wardley is way better and has .2 increments instead of .5 . Heres some pictures from earlier today:


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I will take better pictures of the plants out of the dresser today when they wake up, but these will do for now, took them 10 minutes ago.. AKR looking sad as can be. Leaves lost there normal feeling and look and are now all shiny/clawing, light green almost yellow near the new side branch top. Some leaves look fine, some very bad.

HBD looking like its still widening out, no height gain really. Got a few wacky leaves/branches that are sideways and the same clawing shiny dark green leaves as the AKR. I misted the HBD with the epsom water barely when I took the pictures, being careful, and some bottom leaves of the AKR which I'm noticing similar yellow patching.

What are they telling me? What do I do to help/save them?


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Just snapped some pictures when the lights went out then closed the dresser up. Finally they might be clear and you guys may be able to see whats wrong with them easier.


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Got some good news and bad:

Good news: Short Stuff Onyx FINALLY germinated and opened up, planted her about 2 hours ago. Took her a little more than 7 days to pop, was going to throw her out yesterday! Read that slow germination is a sign of future slow growth, is that correct? Lesson learned though: patience is a must with growing.

Bad news: The AKR is not doing good. No growth & no budding growth. It is starting to brown on the tips. Some dots of brown, and some tips brown. Is this a Calcium deficiency? Also, one leaf is completely turning into a bad light green color starting from the middle and spreading out. Same with one of the HBDs leafs.

HBD seems "okay" for now. She isn't as big as she looks, but it is forming nicely. The leaves aren't sugary at all compared to the AKR. AKR's got some nice sugar leaves although she looks like shes dying.

The downwards tacoing/clawing still going on as well, hasn't really spread to other areas, but it still there.

2 hours ago I watered the AKR/HBD with 6.8 pHed water, no nutes. I also watered the Onyx soil and got it wet with 6.5 water before planting the bean. I could not test the runoff because some family friends popped over unannounced and I had to put them back in the dresser ASAP. Dresser temps have been great at around 73-77 degrees and the rooms been absolutely Frrr-EEEEE- zing. Humidity still low under 35%-40% RH.

What do I do?! Dont know where to start.


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hey stealth sry to say i cannot help you with your prob as i've only just started my second grow but if i was you i'd make a separate post in the infirmary section. if u post your problem there it will usually get u responses sooner. gl and hope one of the gurus find this and can help ya. oh yah or try posting in drautoflowers help thread also its a sticky on top page. +rep and karma your way
Hey stealthgrow. POst some pics in the infirmary section. That way someone who knows more can tell us whats up.