Brief Timelines
[5/1] Germed in surgical cotton
[6/1] Cracked shells (varying stages)
[7/1] Planted into cut-off party cups already placed in final containers. Bottom of 2-3 inches of bigger container drenched then layered with remaining mix.
[8/1 through 10/1] Sprouts emerged
Medium – Organic
Nutrients (list them all!)
Specialty Equipment
Other stuff :
- 2 x Dinafem AmnesiaXXL
- 2 x Whitelabelseeds SuperSkunk
Brief Timelines
[5/1] Germed in surgical cotton
[6/1] Cracked shells (varying stages)
[7/1] Planted into cut-off party cups already placed in final containers. Bottom of 2-3 inches of bigger container drenched then layered with remaining mix.
[8/1 through 10/1] Sprouts emerged
- Closet with no ventilation possibilities (all surface concrete, door is particle wood)
- Tent is 0.9x0.5x1.6 metre
- One intake fan at bottom right with ½ foot distance from the wall
- 250w CFL,
- 6500k/2750k dual spectrum
- Reflector
- Horizontal placement
Medium – Organic
- 2 x 12ltr / 3gal pots
- 2 x 8.1ltr / 2gal pots
- Three of four pots contain a mix of:
- 30L potting mix + Slow release fertiliser (Organic)
- 05L Perlite
- 05L Coconut coir
- One of four pots contains:
- A different potting mix with limited perlite/coconut coir
Nutrients (list them all!)
- Root/soil tonics:
- Seaweed/Kelp concentrate
- Seaweed/Kelp foliar spray (Concentrate + organic chelators)
- Probiotic liquid tonic (got this overseas but never used it for my veg and herbs)
- Fertiliser
- Organic liquid fertiliser and soil conditioner (N) 12.0%, (P) 1.4%, (K) 7.0%.
- Organic liquid fish fertiliser and soil conditioner (N) 2.8%, (P) 0.1%, (K) 3.4%
- Organic fertilizer (slow-release pellets) – 60% chicken manure; 20% Blood, bone, meat meal; 10% fish meal, 5% seaweed
Specialty Equipment
- Water pH meter – Digital
- Soil pH probe
- Soil moisture probe
- Jewellars loupe
Other stuff :
- Background -
- Grew outdoor over a decade ago, in ground or large planter boxes. Mostly land race south asian sativa's. A couple of successful grows.
- Cut to now - first indoor, sick of paying pretty pennies for what I can only imagine being chemical laced bud. Also sick of the Law enforcement harassment surrounding dealers etc.
- Lessons learned so far -
- Outdoor and Indoor have completely different dependencies -
- Indoor more scientific, prep is mandatory. Don't jump into things.
- I was 80% prepared but if I had run into any issues the 20% I didn't take care of could have resulted in me getting a sub-standard yield
- Autoflowers are fun - Keep it Simple and Scientific
- Coco is probably a better bet indoor
- Use Square pots next time if possible
- Know the strains - Somewhere I read that the SuperSkunk (depending on breeder?) is also SuperSensitive - mild pH variance cause it to be fussy.
- Outdoor and Indoor have completely different dependencies -
- Current issues :
- Possible pH effecting the SS (maybe the Amnesia too but haven't seen any signs)
- Tap water pH 7.8 - 7.9.
- Soil pH 7
- Run-off this morning 6.2 - 6.3 ??? :no:
- Can't figure out why - maybe the coconut coir or a matchstick I stick in each pot as it's an old trick amongst people that grow bell peppers (mild sulphur)
- I will calibrate the pH meter again and try in a few days.
- Feeding :
- I gave them a few foliar feed of the Kelp solution a couple of times in week 2.
- [26/01] Sprayed with a home mix of ecological oils for pests and flies (they spent 2 days on my patio in the sun this weekend and then indoors - sure to have picked up nasties).
- [27/01] This morning I mixed in 30ml of Kelp concentrate and 30ml of the liquid fertiliser in approx 6litres of water and drenched them.
- Other :
- Did some LST using paper clips and elastic bands. Seems like they responded well - I don't know if it was too soon or too much stress but I'm seeing good undergrowth and solid stem.
- Light cycle is mostly 20/4
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