Hey how's it going. Gonna attempt to attempt my first ever grow. Lol I know you seen a million of the exact same threads asking for opinions and advice, but I just had to start another one. Even though I've researched and read a few grow nobles and threads. Nothing is as good as directed advice ..anyway you already know im going with hbd seeds I built my own grow box the the grow compartment measures 4ft tall 4ft wide 2ft deep painted flat white inside. With a separate compartment for a 400watt mh/ hps light currently have my seedlings under mh I mixed my own soil comprising of scotts premium topsoil with peat moss mixed with scotts premium humus and compost mix and the sunleaves international bat guano kit with the four types of guano mixed in. I also have the fox farm soil trio grow big this big bloom and tiger bloom .im watering with RO which I have bubble stones in to oxygenate it. I just started feeding the grow big this week at 2 capfulls to a gallon. I've also got one of those exhale c02 do dads . Box is vented at 100 cfm and stay bout 79 degrees. Right now the seeds are in small peat pots ill be transplanting them to 5 gallon grow bags as soon as they get here. I did get a 100% germination rate all 10seeds popped and are now 11 days old I will try to post pics if I get it figured out from my phone. I think I've covered everything. Thanks for any advice anyone could offer