Dutch Passion First ever grow, Auto Duck :) but im confused on when to harvest.

@Kyote wouldn't a paper bag not allow much airflow?

Because my plant is so small and I live in ~32c degree heat my worry is it drying out too fast :/ On average the humidity seems to be floating around the low 60%'s.

My plan was to hang the entire plant upside down in a cardboard box with some holes poked in it, but this bag method looks a hell of a lot easier :)

If you don't have the option of drying in a cooler area, full shade outdoors would help. 19 to 20c is pretty optimal temps and 50-55% rh. We do the best with what we have to work with :thumbsup: People have been growing cannabis and using it for thousands of years and doubt if they had optimal conditions for drying. It's just the drying and cure will effect the smoothness, taste, and smell of the cannabis.
Yeah theres no way im gonna be able to get it down that low, best i can hope for is 23c indoors at night. I can run the AC unit a lot of the time indoors as well, but that will effect RH. Ahh well, hopefully if it messes up too much curing it can bring back some of the smell and taste. If it ends up tasting and smelling anything like it does now i'll be pretty happy :)