Cutrite, your girls are looking good. I've seen bigger one's at 2 weeks, but every strain is different. I think your girls are just busy making roots. Once they get the pot filled with roots, they will start growing like mad. Are you using any rooting suplements? AN Voodoo fits in with your AN base nutes. Check out AN Hobbiest Package of supplements, it is geared toward the more novice grower. I grow in 3 gallon pots too, and I've had girls go 3 weeks before starting to stretch. Once they start stretching, you can begin LSTing, highly recommed LST, easy to do and really ups the yield. White Widow is usually pretty forgiving and is a great choice for your first grow, top quality even with a "learning curve". Monitor your pH close, the pH Perfect likes 5.8, and you can run into some issues with a soil grow. Just something to watch for. Subed in on this one. Good luck and have fun. If I can be of any help, just ask. Peace Out.