New Grower First auto grow!!

May 21, 2020
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I started my seedling out in an aerogarden. I should have just started it in a pot but I didn’t.
The tent is a 4x8 and is 6’ tall.
I currently have to feminized seeds in the tent and the auto lady will go in the middle of them.

I have a Mars hydro 100 light for this auto. I hope that’s enough.
Here’s the soil mix,
5 gallons of Bu's Blend Compost
5 gallons of coco (wasn't pre washed) I ran 40-50 gallons of water through it to wash salts out
3 gallons of worm castings
2 gallons of perlite
2 cups of down to earth rose n flower
1 1/2 cups of down to earth azomite
1 cup of down to earth oyster shells
I sprinkled clover on top and then put worm castings over the clover

Once I got the soil mixed up I filled a 5 gallon air pot. Here in a few days I’ll transfer the seedling into the pot where it’ll finish it’s grow! Fingers crossed it goes well. I’m brand new to growing. The two feminized plants are my first ones ever.

I have 480 watts on one side of the tent and 4 QB v2’s (600 watts) on the other side. One plant under each light. Like I said. The auto girl will be under a Mars hydro 100 watt light. Do you guys think I should upgrade the light or roll with it? For what ever reason my clover Still hasn’t sprouted. I planted it a week ago. Ignore the fabric pots. I ended up switching to air pots for all my plants. But that’s the tent setup.

I would appreciate any advice along the way. Any help would be great. I’m a total newbie

here’s a picture of the girl.


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Welcome to AFN. You have chosen good equipment for your first effort, I can respect that. I did the same 4 yrs ago, now its a matter of trying things out and learning from every grow.

People here are willing to help, if you pay attention to the grow you will be fine.

Check on it a few times a day, if possible. Make sure you have good relative humidity (RH) for young seedlings. If you can maintain a consistent grow environment (temps 65 to 80, RH 60%+) for your younguns it will certainly help. Don't let temps drop much lower then 64 when lights are out.
Run a tiny 400 watt ceramic heater to keep temps above 64 if you must. Many strains will die if temps get too low.

Do not overwater. Thats the number one mistake new growers make. Daily watering will drown roots, water when the growbag/pot is light and dry.
@Rollingblunts :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Where did you get your soil recipe? I am not familiar with that one but most soil blends need to "Cook" for a while before you plant in them.

What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and roots there will die. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation lets just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering.

Thanks for the information! Much appreciated guys.

I will let the pot dry out and weight it. I’m going to transplant the little girl tomorrow afternoon. I’ve been trying to get clover started but it doesn’t want to sprout for whatever reason. I plan on weighing the pot while it’s dry, transplanting the girl, and then watering. I’ll keep a scale next to the tent to help with the watering. I don’t want to over water I know that!

I’ll post an updated picture when I get her transplanted
Shes transplanted into a 5 gallon air pot.

I put the light about 22" above the plant. Its only a 100 watt light, so i figure that would be close enough. What do you guys think?

I did weigh the pot with it dry. When I went to plant the lady I noticed the clover is getting ready to break the top of the soil, so that's a plus.

Fingers crossed she survives this transplant. I wish I would have started her in the 5 gallon pot to begin with. We shall see. I did put a space heater in the tent and set the temp to 80. The goal is to keep the tent at least 70-75 at all times from here on out.

The light cycle is 18 on and 6 off. Since I have to feminized ladies in the tent I want to keep it 18/6 for now.

I will post some new pictures once the lights turn back on this afternoon.
Ur good. Altho I'd put the heater OUTSIDE the tent, near an open lower port hole.

Less worries about the pots drying out super fast.
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Yo RB... looks like you've put some time and effort into sorting things out, respect for that, good luck with your first grow, exciting times ahead... so your light cycle is 18/6 yeah?.. are the 2 fem plants autos or photo period?.. cos at some point your gonna have to decide to switch all lighting to 12/12 so the fems (photo's?) Will be able to start their flowering cycle!.. if they're all autos then your off to a top start, nice1...
Easy now!..
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Yo RB... looks like you've put some time and effort into sorting things out, respect for that, good luck with your first grow, exciting times ahead... so your light cycle is 18/6 yeah?.. are the 2 fem plants autos or photo period?.. cos at some point your gonna have to decide to switch all lighting to 12/12 so the fems (photo's?) Will be able to start their flowering cycle!.. if they're all autos then your off to a top start, nice1...
Easy now!..

The two other ladies are photo period.
I’m going to order a small tent for this auto girl!

here’s an updated picture of her.
What do you guys think? Should I lower the light? It’s right at 21”. I double checked it a bit ago

it’s only a 100 watt light.

I did let the soil cook for 12 weeks in the tent with the lights on 18 hours and off for 6.
So I hope the soil isn’t too potent.

I do know I shouldn’t have fed the plants tea this early on. I still feel like the humidity is an issue but I don’t know what else to do. I have two humidifiers going and I can’t get the humidity to stay over 25%. The highest it gets is 30%, but gets low as 15% at times


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Well...things took a turn. She’s dying

Any advice ?


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I came home today and she’s completely bent over. I propped her up with soil but that’s the best I could do. Not sure what happened