http://s1178.photobucket.com/albums/x376/afox107/ here's a link to the photos I uploaded just a little bit ago of my thunder bloody mary. She is at day 27 today and the most recent picture was from a day or two ago. I planted her in OF soil in a 2 gallon planting pot. Four 27 watt daylight cfls on 24/0 for the first week then switched to 20/4. I then went to soft white at week 3 and eventually after doing a little research decided to go to a mix of the daylight and soft white for 24/0 for the rest of the grow. So currently I have three 27 watt daylight cfls and 2 soft white 23 watt cfls on her running 24/0. I have been feeding her grow big every other feeding at 1/4 of the dose and upped it to the full dose. I gave her some tiger bloom at the start of week 3 but she hasnt gotten into flowering like i though she would so ive got her back on grow big until I see signs of flowering. Then I was wondering if I should jump to big bloom or do tiger bloom first. I'm gonna measure her to give you the most up to date measurement...hang on...ok she's at about 4.1 inches but looks healthy as can be. She did have some crispy tips early on as you can see in the pics, but I got that all sorted out so not sure why she's so small, could just be a small plant? I'm still hoping for her to hit 12 inches and yield around half an ounce and in a perfect world, a full ounce but we'll see what she has in store for me. Any suggestions, input, thoughts, critiques? first time grow so anything is appreciated. Much love