Live Stoners First auto grow new to site

Welcome to AFN the finest Autoflowering Cannabis on the web, and by far the best group of folks around. Don't forget to check out our photography sections for both photosensitive and autoflower cannabis. Feel free to post as many shots of you ladies there along the way and if ya need some tips on taking better pics we have that covered as well. Don't forget to join in and vote or nominate your fellow growers in our monthly BOM/POM contest. Here's a few links to get ya there
Thanks again everybody ,I do think this is a great site with lots of friendly and knowledgable growers..I will take advantage of as much as I can and post plenty of pictures along the way ,I have started my first journal and will keep all informed if how things go,,,Cheers
Welcome to the Family, Budelee! :toke:
Have a :slap: for getting that journal going so fast! One important thing to remember (I'm sure you'll read all the stickies at the top of the grow page), is that they can be a bit sensitive to nutes, so start slow and build up as they show tolerance:thumbsup:
Thanks again guys !! Its an honor to be part of a(grow) family that has so many knowledgable and experienced people who dont mind helping and sharing(and arent condecending)..After reading thru many coco threads and searching the "lucas" formula/ratio, i have confused myself thoroughly ,lol(only kidding),, i have however found plenty of useful information that i will be putting to good use.. I have a habit of pushing the plants (sometimes too far), but will do my best to take it easy and let the plants tell me what they need, i have increased the feeding a bit (to 800ish ppm)and they are looking better and starting to take off,, i will give a thorough update,with pics when i update my journal,,next step will be to pop the 5 Humbolt Blue dreams and start my other 600 watt lamp(digital,and i will start at 200w and work my way up)..Cheers!!!