Live Stoners First auto grow new to site


Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
Hello everybody !!! Jumping on board after surfing the site for a few months..As the outdoor grow season is getting short (for photos) i have been planning and making the move to indoor autos this year(photo grows thru winter in the past)..I started out in soil,and have tried coco loco, but have moved to coco/pearlite. I have received my "stock" of seeds and went with Dutch passion auto ultimate/auto mazar,Paradise Auto Wappa, Humbolt Blue Dream Auto,Mephisto S.O.D.K.,Nirvana Swiss Cheese Auto....Although up this point I only have photo growing experience,i am always available and willing to share or help any way i can,and since i have seen/read the good vibe from all the members,look forward to help and advice from you guys and gals(ill need it,i started 5 ultimates 18 days ago)...the pic is of the greenhouse Purple urkle which should be done in another month(or they wont make the cold weather).......okay ,pic error at 10%,ill try again later
Hey and Welcome!
Sounds like a nice crop you have there. Mephisto has some solid gear, I have done well with Humbolt, DP is great too as are the others. Get a journal going so we can all share. Love watching these babies grow.
Darn glad you stopped by and said hello. Looking forward to reading your stuff.
Peace and happy growing!
Thank guys,I am finally having luck uploading a few pics,the avatar is the photo purple urkle, and the seed pic is my early christmas present,lol,, I have been tracking/the progress of the AU and will keep everybody informed with info and pics,btw where should i post that info?
photo (5).JPG
Hello chum,

what a cool collection you have there. OK Auto's are a bit different from photo's, but it is all still "Weed Growing". You will do fine I am sure.
Any thing you need, just shout. We are here for you. Welcome, eP.
Thanks for all the positive vibes..I will be posting the grow journal in the Academy