New Grower First auto after 22 year break!

Oct 6, 2018
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Last time I grew hydro weed was 22 years ago! I was growing Dutch Hope in a hydro/airo set up, more like a DWC really, I had 3 plants growing in a 200 litre tub and 4 x 400 HPS lights with an 8" extractor which could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. They had huge flowers that often snapped the stem with their weight. Got 50 ozs from my final batch.

Times have moved on since then. I just built a tiny aeroponic type of set up 2 foot by 3 foot. 2 x 30 litre tubs stacked, the bottom tub has the solution, the top tub had jets of water spraying the 4" pot in the middle. Plant was started in a 1" Rockwool cube and then 4" pot filled with expanded clay. With all the agitation from the jets as well as dripping from the bottom of the top container, I figure that this should provide plenty of oxygen without any need for an air stone. Lights 20/4 nutrient pump on 15 minutes every hour.

I have planted an OG Kush Auto from seed stockers. Not sure of the genetics could be a Haze or an NL ruderalis for the auto genetics. Any information on this particular strain is appreciated.

Seed sprouted on 24th Sept (edited had Oct), and it was still trapped in the seed coat the next day so I carefully removed the seed coat. I think maybe it got too dry on the seed membrane. That was two weeks ago now and I have decided to follow the progress on this thread.

I'm using a viparspectra par 700W, at the moment seedling was white light only, after one week light is 50% White and 25% blue. Two Weeks today and I have moved the light to 18" and 100% White, and 25% Blue. Just put in some new nutrients (GH) ppm is 550 but I'll up that to 800 next week if all goes well.

I had a tube going into the side of the Rockwool cube until the roots emerged on the 10th day, that has now been removed. Will probably move up to 800ppm next week.

Observations so far is that leaves appear a little light instead of the darker green I'm used to. There appears to be some marks on the leaves although no damage to tips or anything.

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Thanks for the positive vibrations.

I'm a little worried about the necrosis on the lower leaves, but the set up is so simple I really don't understand it, hopefully it will grow out.

Here's a Day 16 update, I wasn't going to do an update for a few days but I went in close to get an idea of how it was looking under the canopy and it does appear to be nice and compact and it's a pretty shot so I thought I'd add it in to the thread. Running at 100% Blue and 100% White now with 10% Red. Moved light up to 24 inches. Roots are powering on well.

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I've done so many grows years ago but I never get over how incredibly time seems to move for the first two weeks. I'll never get used to it.

We're on day 19 now and I'm feeling a lot happier! The leaf problem appears to have receded. This is my first auto so this compact bushy shape is something that I am not familiar with yet. In maybe another day or two it will be ready to top at the fourth node. Other observation is the already quite old looking stem. This is obviously a strain that knows what's coming because during the second week when it was not gaining any height, it was thickening that stem.

I welcome any thoughts on topping at the 4th node at day 21 instead of leaving it longer and topping at the 5th node and removing the the first node branches so that there's basically 4 sets of branches. So that instead of nodes 1 to 4 branching, I have nodes 2 to 5 branching. Maybe the latter is better but I don't know if waiting for the fifth node before topping may put too much stress. If I wait for the 5th node I'll be halfway through week three.

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I have decided to bite the bullet and top at the fourth node especially as the lower branches were thickening up. I also removed the lowest node branches as they seemed a bit spindly Here's a before and after.
09 day-20-before-top.jpg
08 Day-20-topped.jpg
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Today I am officially declaring myself happy, I was a bit concerned for a while now all the old memories are coming back where I would spend the cold dark rainy winter months reading, bathed in the inviting warm glow of four 400W HPS son t's. There's nothing like spending quality time with the girls.

I promised myself I'd back down on the updates but I'm really thrilled about this plant I have a good vibe. It now has 6 main branches, the top didn't slow it down at all I can see the growth overnight! It's still very squat only 4 inches, but the node spacing looks well structured and the side shoots look like they are almost training themselves. This is going to be fun, it's an utterly different experience to what I'm used to.

The under canopy at day 19 and day 21 are very different.

Lights are now at 100% White, 100% Red and 66% Blue, as I'm now going for a 60/40 RB ratio. As recommended here... Actually I've had a bit of a rethink here as these are autos. I've decided to run all three colours at 100% and I will pull the blue down gradually as the Pre-flower begins to maybe 30% and then I'll dial the blue back up to 100% during the ripening/flushing stage in order to bump up the terpenes. That's the plan at least.

Scrap that, I'm pulling the blue back to 66% as originally planed in order to stop it getting too compact.

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Hey man, looking good so far. I grew this strain awhile back, they can get big, nice smoke. There's a grow journal somewhere and on the Seedstockers website.
If it was my plant, now is the time to start defol, but depends how you want to shape her of course, how much head space do have?
I'm not convinced playing with the spectrum is an exact science, and certainly not when it comes from a led seller lol, I would give 100% of the full spectrum at this stage. She should start to grow 3-5 cm daily about now.
Which GH feed line are you using?