New Grower finding which seeds to buy

You can get anything you need to grow herb from Amazon or (See below comment by JM, you can also go to, I've done business with them and didn't have any issues.)

I would recommend you take a look at the Organics forum, specifically a thread in there called "Best bagged organic pre-mixed soil" or something like that. There are a couple of recommendations in there. For a simple setup, I'd get a 135w LED from ebay or amazon, a bag of organic soil like the M3 or Roots Organic Potting Mix by Aurora Innovations, then get a bag of seed start or light mix like Fox Farms Light Warrior, Sunshine Mix #4 Advanced, or ProMix BX. I would cut that light mix about 50/50 with the organic potting mix you choose. I would fill a 5 gallon pot 1/2 full with the organic marijuana specific soil (Roots, M3, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, etc.), then fill the remaining 1/2 with the 50/50 light&regular mixture. Find an early feminized autoflowering strain such as Delicious Seeds Il Diavolo or Short Stuff's Blue Himalaya or Mi5 and plant that directly into your final pot, pressing into the soil about 1/8". That setup right there would go about 8 weeks from seed to harvest and would only require a couple of easy, cheap nutrient teas. You could probably get away with just buying a small bottle of Fox Farms Big Bud Organic (make sure it says organic!) and feed that every other week starting from day 14 onward. You wouldn't be winning any awards, but you'd have a simple formula for producing quality organic cannabis with about a 10 week turnaround from the day you drop a seed until the day you toke a cured bud.
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Someone just said put them in a big pot and water every 2 days. I think this is the worst thing you could do. #1 if you water that much the top of the soil stays moist causing the roots to form there. In a big pot I may not water for the first 3 weeks! Why? #2 because a seedling is so small, the amount of water needed is very small. As the top of the soil drys out, the roots follow it down, remember, roots follow moisture not gravity. Once they reach the bottom it still takes awhile to draw out the moisture. Wait until the pot is light to lift, then water deeply and well. The bigger the pot the longer you wait to water. Hope this helps.
Hope ya get some dirt an sesame nutes bro and join the family .....I use Grow more seagrow its really cheap for the results u can get ...but like said u need to feed some ......u can find some great soils out there that will hold up well but u need the extra boost ....If u want to grow organically

ROOTS organic medium is great and now they made an Uprising grow bag feed meals for veg, flower, and have a Cal mag supplement ...all u do is add 1/2 tsp every month it states ...and water on it!!!

I'm just testing them now to see if I like them ....they all coated me around 60$ for dirt and feed ...then u can mix it up for composting ....I wanna focus on these because I love the results so far with it all I do is feed water molasses and water!!
does anyone know where to buy the M3 Medical Marihuana Mix online??...i've looked....but no luck so far...:no: