Nutrients FF nutrients. What do you aim for your PPM to be? (soil)

Dec 1, 2021
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Hey AFN!

This is my first grow, first time using FF nutes.
This forum has been amazing at providing information and helping me keep my little girls happy and growing.
You can follow my first grow journal here:

I'm planning on feeding with some nutes today but I'm not entirely sure on what PPM I should water my girls.
They're about in week 4.
They're in FF OF soil.
5gal pots.
I know not to feed nutes in full strength that FF recommends, thus making the PPM FF suggested inaccurate.
And to me, it seems like the PPM they recommend is relatively high in general.

Can you guys share what you think about this?
Thank you for stopping by!
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I dont know what size pots your using, that helps determine when to start the nutes. But once I start i do 1/8 the recommended amount of nutes, then move up to 1/4 to see how they handle it. If all looks good I work it up to 1/2 recommended strength.
My info is based on using the Trio.
I dont know what size pots your using, that helps determine when to start the nutes. But once I start i do 1/8 the recommended amount of nutes, then move up to 1/4 to see how they handle it. If all looks good I work it up to 1/2 recommended strength.
My info is based on using the Trio.

Hey Badfinger,
sorry forgot to add. Theyre in 5gal pot. I fed once with 1/4 strength. I might increase a little this time.
But I'm more concerned about the PPM that FF suggests.
Hey Badfinger,
sorry forgot to add. Theyre in 5gal pot. I fed once with 1/4 strength. I might increase a little this time.
But I'm more concerned about the PPM that FF suggests.
Those PPM numbers are based on Photoperiod plants, and even then I've read their too high. But with Autoflowers everything I have read says 1/2 strength.
Those PPM numbers are based on Photoperiod plants, and even then I've read their too high. But with Autoflowers everything I have read says 1/2 strength.

Gotcha. Their schedule is very misleading for autos.
Too much math! Lol.
If i half their ppm recommendation, then i also have to take in account the reduced strength, and if i only use grow big instead of the grow big and big bloom, another factor to account for lol.

i think i’ll just get the ppm to an acceptable number and cross my fingers :lol:
I look at PPM amounts as per week, not per feeding, so my ppm mix is low 700's and if I feed every other watering, its basically around 1400-1500 per week.
If we followed the feed schedule our mixture would be insanely high PPM's, IMO.
I look at PPM amounts as per week, not per feeding, so my ppm mix is low 700's and if I feed every other watering, its basically around 1400-1500 per week.
If we followed the feed schedule our mixture would be insanely high PPM's, IMO.

So are you testing the runoff ppm?
I picked up some oral syringes on amazon for like $7 to measure mls.
The numbers I figured out were:
----------------------------1/8 Strength-----------------------------------1/4-------------------------1/2
Big Bloom:-----------1.8ml--------------------------------------------- 3.6-------------------------- 7.5
Grow Big: ----------- 1.3 ml-------------------------------------------- 2.6--------------------------5.2
Tiger Bloom---------1.3 ml-------------------------------------------- 2.6-------------------------- 5.2

Now I'm only 2nd grow and no expert, but here's the math and numbers I came up with.
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I picked up some oral syringes on amazon for like $7 to measure mls.
The numbers I figured out were:
----------------------------1/8 Strength-----------------------------------1/4-------------------------1/2
Big Bloom:-----------1.8ml--------------------------------------------- 3.6-------------------------- 7.5
Grow Big: ----------- 1.3 ml-------------------------------------------- 2.6--------------------------5.2
Tiger Bloom---------1.3 ml-------------------------------------------- 2.6-------------------------- 5.2

Now I'm only 2nd grow and no expert, but here's the math and numbers I came up with.

Thanks a lot! Will definitely be using this.
i already have an oral syringe too:biggrin::jointman: