Keen to watch! Hope her reputed mold resistance works for you, hombre.
It's in the newest oregon grown [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] green house growing in a ruff rural trailer park so far I'm running 10 an every thing is loving it got autos an photos .
Is 30 days in a week? Here's my babies! I think I'm going to choose the second up from the bottom left

I'm aiming for better than last Lemon harvest :)

here is my KUSH auto update
woof guys..still around---job going hard along with family life raising the puppies.........4/27 i opened pack to 7 good out of 10..i chose 3 to germ for battle......3 cracked 2 grew 1 lacked spunk.........2 good ones as they are today......... @Ripper .....these first 2 are for female auto battle..i have 2 more germed for outdoor battle along with my photo for my 3 for that...both of these will be considered testing i wont have to do a separate for The Pack getting thick...woof
