Feeling SAD..?

Thanks, will try and report back. As to the magnesium we have glutamate caps and chloride flakes that I made a 25% spray to start and just started using yesterday. My wife has had 2 back surgeries and said it is really helping her neck area. I will increase to a 50% solution as we get used to the spray.
My wife has had 2 back surgeries and said it is really helping her neck area. I will increase to a 50% solution as we get used to the spray.

I'm getting Exactly the same.

The Neck shoulder spasming are probably my worst symptoms now and the mag spray works like a Dream..in Fact..I'd say I addicted....:D:..

I'm applying about 4 times a day to the back of the neck and shoulders and the difference is amazing.

The damaged hand did even better in a magnesium soak..I'd love to have a bath..but we only have a wet-room..so I have to steep my feet in the mop bucket..:coffee break:
The olive leaf capsules are 400 mg, got them from one of the links in your info

Cheers..I need to check coz each one is different..

How are your PH's now...?
Hi Aunty,

Here are our next set of numbers

Me Wife
5.60 6.04 6.28 5.84
6.45 6.75 6.33 6.74
6.45 6.95 6.42 6.62
7.18 7.19 5.64 6.87
5.84 7.25 6.71 6.97
6.74 6.33 7.05 7.49
6.15 6.30 6.90 6.61
6.68 5.81 6.52 5.28
6.23 6.93 6.13 6.84

Even though we have a ways to go we can both feel improvement. Two weekends ago I rototilled the garden for winter which normally has my shoulders and lower back screaming. This time I had no pain or stiffness at all!

The wife has been drinking lemon aid made with crystal light and 4 fresh lemons per gal and it seems to help raise her pH numbers. I just got some cut olive leaf for tea that I just had my first cup of. Taste is not bad. Going to have it as my main liquid for a couple of days to see if it will help my numbers.

Also got some cheap magnesium chloride to use as a bath soak; really melts the aches and pains away! Used about a cup in the bath water
7.18 7.19 5.64 6.87
5.84 7.25 6.71 6.97
6.74 6.33 7.05 7.49

Look at that Oldster..Getting there huh...?....:tiphat:..Keep up the Good Work....

Even though we have a ways to go we can both feel improvement.

Brilliant..:High 5:..it is Improve oxygen levels you can Feel..so we know we are doing it Right.

The wife has been drinking lemon aid made with crystal light and 4 fresh
lemons per gal and it seems to help raise her pH numbers.

Yeah..the lemons are one of the Oddities..although they are Acidic..they have an Alkalising effect on the body.

Recommended PH Tip is a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon in the morning..it Helps adrenal stress too...:tiphat:

I just got some cut olive leaf for tea that I just had my first cup of. Taste is
not bad. Going to have it as my main liquid for a couple of days to see if it
will help my numbers.

It Will..:coffee break:...have you got your own Olive Tree...?

Also got some cheap magnesium chloride to use as a bath soak; really melts the aches and pains away! Used about a cup in the bath water

Great..you have a hell of a combo going..re check the PH levels in a week..I Think you will see/feel a Good Difference...

How's your Mood...?..Felt any Uplift..
Thanks Aunty,

We both are feeling better and my wife's mood is definitely better. I feel it is easier to get going in the morning.

While I wish we lived some place that olive trees would grow but I am looking out the window at 5 inches of snow and still counting. Bought the olive leaf on Amazon
Olive Leaf Tea: Amazon.com: Grocery & Gourmet Food
I found the key to making it was to only allow 3 mins of steeping time. I use 2 tbs to 15 oz of water and get three batches from the leaves. Taste is similar to green tea.

My new pH meter died (will not turn on) so won't be able to check for levels for a few days.

I will give the lemon in warm water a try, maybe add it to my first cup of tea in the morning
We both are feeling better and my wife's mood is definitely better. I feel it is easier to get going in the morning.


Bought the olive leaf on Amazon

Doh...slow brain day...:Stones slap:..we have olive trees every where..so a few of my friends just collect and dry the leaves then use as tea.

They are buggers to dry with them being leathery..:coffee break:

My new pH meter died (will not turn on) so won't be able to check for levels
for a few days.

Don't Worry about it too much..we are just a bit meter heavy until I can See how you are levelling out.

After that we will go to once a week for winter..

When you have done it for a while you get used to knowing when your PH is down by how Good you feel that morning..:D:

I will give the lemon in warm water a try, maybe add it to my first cup of
tea in the morning
im giving this a try since i think i suffer from this sometimes :)