Quick question about the Fox Farm trio...
Big Bloom seems like an organic guano/castings blend, yet the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom look like straight chemical fertilizers. I’ve read that pouring chemical nutes into an organic environment basically neutralizes most of the benefits of the organics. Is this accurate?
If so, why am I using Big Bloom (seemingly organic) in combination with Grow Big (seemingly chem)? Should I swap or change something?
Last grow went great, but I’m also a total beginner at gardening, and I've learned that autos can be pretty sensitive. If there’s an obvious switch I should make that would be better for the plants, I’d love any insight. Much thanks.
Big Bloom seems like an organic guano/castings blend, yet the Grow Big and Tiger Bloom look like straight chemical fertilizers. I’ve read that pouring chemical nutes into an organic environment basically neutralizes most of the benefits of the organics. Is this accurate?
If so, why am I using Big Bloom (seemingly organic) in combination with Grow Big (seemingly chem)? Should I swap or change something?
Last grow went great, but I’m also a total beginner at gardening, and I've learned that autos can be pretty sensitive. If there’s an obvious switch I should make that would be better for the plants, I’d love any insight. Much thanks.