Fed up

Oct 12, 2020
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Currently Smoking
Skywalker kush
Hi and wherever you are good evening, good afternoon good morning.

Once again I'm on my Christmas grow. And already I'm running into the very same problems that continues to occur which is becoming a pain in the ass.

I'm somewhat convinced that the problem I'm about to describe is related to my invisible sun led grow light that I've been using for almost 2 years now.

Before this I was using 2 x 125w CFL grow lights and on occasion a 250w hps... an I never ever, not once did I encounter what I believe to be calmag related. Or might it be light burn from the leds. Surely not at their 18 inch minimum.

I find it a total coincidence that during these past 2 years now that I've been growing under leds that I continue to run into the same problem each and every fkn time. Which is starting to put me off growing all together. My yields are minimal and the weed is awful to smoke. Hence the smell.....

I have those orange speckled markings that are riddling my plants leaves starting midway and working towards colas.. that eventually darken with yellowing of the leaves before they crisp up. And fall off

I mentioned in a previous thread how I was concerned about my pH run off which I believe I've fixed. The run was coming out at an acidic 5.1 which I believed had me on the verge of a lockout. The run off now comes out at a pH of 6.2.....

What I don't understand is how I managed to grow top shelf home grown weed when I was using my CFLs and not once did I have to fed my plants calmag. In fact there were occasions I never even fed them any nutes whatsoever. And if I did it was small amounts of bloom during late flower.
I just don't understand how all my grows, and I'm serious when I say this have suffered since I switched to using leds...i got far better results with my the collaboration between my cfls and hps that I used during flower.

Can anyone of you relate to this. It just doesn't make sense. Do the leds pull the plants into wanting more nutes.... I've tried to keep things simple during my grows. I continue to try and use the same brand of soil with the addition of perlite the only changes are the water and lights. Like I said it was cfls and the hps to begin with and the use of mineral water that had a pH of 6.5....

This grow consists of seedstockers auto Bcn critical xxl.

Lights on are 20/4 with a stable temp of 25-26.5 with an RH of 55-60
Lights off are 18-22 with an RH of 70-80

The soil is B&Q verve + perlite 70/30 ratio

So far the only nutes I've fed them is formulex to begin with @ 2.5ml per litre... afterwards switching to minimal amounts of ionic bloom during flower at a rate of 3.5ml per litre which got increased to 6ml per litre... Tonight I gave the plants a feed of TNC calmag at a rate of 2ml per litre.

The bottles state formulex 5ml & Bloom 7ml per litre.

So once again can anyone relate to this. Why was I getting better grows with my cfls the leds just seem to continue to ruin my grows. I just don't get it. The invisible sun led light I have is the 2 x ISH120 @ 2500k.. I'm amount to smash them up and order some cfls but before I do I'd love to hear from the forum and it's members about how they feel about my situation.

Thank you for reading and thanks for the replies if you decide to reply.



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Hi and wherever you are good evening, good afternoon good morning.

Once again I'm on my Christmas grow. And already I'm running into the very same problems that continues to occur which is becoming a pain in the ass.

I'm somewhat convinced that the problem I'm about to describe is related to my invisible sun led grow light that I've been using for almost 2 years now.

Before this I was using 2 x 125w CFL grow lights and on occasion a 250w hps... an I never ever, not once did I encounter what I believe to be calmag related. Or might it be light burn from the leds. Surely not at their 18 inch minimum.

I find it a total coincidence that during these past 2 years now that I've been growing under leds that I continue to run into the same problem each and every fkn time. Which is starting to put me off growing all together. My yields are minimal and the weed is awful to smoke. Hence the smell.....

I have those orange speckled markings that are riddling my plants leaves starting midway and working towards colas.. that eventually darken with yellowing of the leaves before they crisp up. And fall off

I mentioned in a previous thread how I was concerned about my pH run off which I believe I've fixed. The run was coming out at an acidic 5.1 which I believed had me on the verge of a lockout. The run off now comes out at a pH of 6.2.....

What I don't understand is how I managed to grow top shelf home grown weed when I was using my CFLs and not once did I have to fed my plants calmag. In fact there were occasions I never even fed them any nutes whatsoever. And if I did it was small amounts of bloom during late flower.
I just don't understand how all my grows, and I'm serious when I say this have suffered since I switched to using leds...i got far better results with my the collaboration between my cfls and hps that I used during flower.

Can anyone of you relate to this. It just doesn't make sense. Do the leds pull the plants into wanting more nutes.... I've tried to keep things simple during my grows. I continue to try and use the same brand of soil with the addition of perlite the only changes are the water and lights. Like I said it was cfls and the hps to begin with and the use of mineral water that had a pH of 6.5....

This grow consists of seedstockers auto Bcn critical xxl.

Lights on are 20/4 with a stable temp of 25-26.5 with an RH of 55-60
Lights off are 18-22 with an RH of 70-80

The soil is B&Q verve + perlite 70/30 ratio

So far the only nutes I've fed them is formulex to begin with @ 2.5ml per litre... afterwards switching to minimal amounts of ionic bloom during flower at a rate of 3.5ml per litre which got increased to 6ml per litre... Tonight I gave the plants a feed of TNC calmag at a rate of 2ml per litre.

The bottles state formulex 5ml & Bloom 7ml per litre.

So once again can anyone relate to this. Why was I getting better grows with my cfls the leds just seem to continue to ruin my grows. I just don't get it. The invisible sun led light I have is the 2 x ISH120 @ 2500k.. I'm amount to smash them up and order some cfls but before I do I'd love to hear from the forum and it's members about how they feel about my situation.

Thank you for reading and thanks for the replies if you decide to reply.

led lights need a lot more calmag and your girl is showing signs she needs extra but i grow in coco so i cant be 100 percent but i will tag some one see if they can help further @Mañ'O'Green @Arthur
It's not your lights bro.. That's lock out due to an excess of a certain nutrient or several nutrients. There is zero factual or scientific evidence that shows that leds cause calcium or magnesium issues. Im glad that it doesn't make sense to you, because it doesn't make sense in general.. You can search the internet far and wide and you won't find one bit of scientific proof of this.. No studies done.. Nothing.. Ive grown with leds/cobs for over 5 yrs.. I've never owned a bottle or used a drop of calmag.

I am not familiar with your entire situation but other factors must have changed other than the light. Im not familiar with any of the products you named so I looked them up.. From what I found so far, it looks like the B&Q verve you mentioned is a compost.. Is that correct? If so, you're trying to grow weed in straight compost and perlite.. Straight compost is too hot (too nutrient filled) to grow weed in without amending it. Most people use a cup or two of compost as a top dress feed for their soil if the plants ever needed. I've never known anyone to grow weed in just compost.. That could be the reason why those leaves are fried.. The formulex website says that the product has calcium in it. It says it's 1% which is a good amount of calcium. I can guarantee that the compost has calcium and magnesium as well.. On top of the 8ml of calmag that's been added. So lack of calcium is not the issue, and adding more is not the answer. So my questions are... Is the medium pure compost? What is the ppm of the run off? If it's pure compost, it's probably in the thousands. Was this the same exact medium you used when you had no issues?
another few points along with prohs how much are you watering that soil and how often and whats the e.c/ppms
I think of it like this. your soils is doing one thing, and your nutrient solution is doing something else. This stress your ladies because they are already acclimated to your soil. From birth, so they readily take to the soil.
We need the entire 411 @M1Dnite But I am going to say It is not your lights. I am running the strongest commercial LED lights available 5 inches from my plants and I get no burn. Light burn other than direct contact with the LED itself is a myth.

Definitely too much calcium and maybe just too much everything for cannabis.We have talked about this compost before before and you just keep doing the same thing. I need to see the guaranteed analysis. Excess nutrients are as problematic as not enough.

Thank you very much for the replies. And I'm sorry it took a while for me to respond.

@ St. Tom

You mentioned led lights require more calmag. I definitely buy this. This makes sense to me. I never ever had to use the stuff when I grew using CFL's.

1st of all... I'm happy to read that some of you mention how this isn't related to my my led grow lights. On the other hand I'm convinced that If I switched back to the the basic CFL's I wouldn't be encountering this wackk

The only thing that has changed since I switched to the led*s is the water. I used to always buy bottled mineral water. If your in the UK I'm sure some of you will be familiar with tesco's Ashbeck mineral water. I used to always use this and I only just recently switched to the using tap/w as the dude in my local grow shop said that I was wasting money using mineral water because according to him... he said' we in Scotland have the best water available especially for growing cannabis. I believe the ppm of my tap water is 120 but I'm really u sure of this... I let it sit for a minimum of 48 hours before I use it.. It's pH comes in at 7.8.. After adding the ionic nutrients which atm is typically bloom (I never use grow nutrients ) because I'm sure there's enough in the soil already to aid growth. The ionic stuff pH buffers the water perfectly.


The verve is a soil based compost... its B&Q's own brand called Verve multi purpose compost. I've been using this for years along with perlite... I'm positive that its rated among UK cannabis growers.. The only thing I've found is, recent batches of the soil is slightly acidic... I used it from the beginning and I've always tried to keep things simple in my grows and use the same methods. Same soil. same water. Same nutrients. The only thing that has changed is the water and the led lights. Seems though by what your saying it might be calcium excess.

Regarding the water......
The reason I switched to tap water wasn't because what the dude at my local grow shop said. It was because I ran into these very same problems last year while using mineral water with its pH of 6.5. In the past I never bothered with any nutrients at all. The straight mineral water and it's pH was perfect.

As for frequency of watering its usually every 2nd day and because I went overboard on the perlite in this grow by dumping 10 litres of perlite into 60litres of soil... I find that the each plant does fine with a 1 litre soak. That's administered very slowly.. If i just dump the water into the pots it runs straight out the bottom.. I alternate feeds. Water then bloom an so forth. Growth technology state 7ml per litre I've always went with half strength @ 3.5ml per litre and slowly increasing this with each alternate feed

The formulex is what I always use within the first 2 weeks. And again half strength. The bottle says 5ml per litre. I use 2.5ml per litre I never go beyond 2.5.

One thing to mention that's important for you all to know.. I have only just started to measure the pH when I switched to tap water. I don't bother with the EC or TDS PPM etc.. This was the advice given to me by the dude at the grow shop... Its a shame he's moved off down south... I remember him telling me that when you switch to coco. Then you must take ppm and your EC Into consideration.. I can't wait to switch to using coco as it seems that the majority of cannabis growers use this substrate.

For now all I can tell you is that the pH of the run off comes in at 6.1... It was only last week that I amended this by flushing each and every plant until the pH run off came well away from its 5 value. Afterwards I watered again using just formulex.

I'll get onto the guaranteed analysis tonight once I get home from work.

Thanks again for the replies. Much appreciated. I think I'll need to jump on the coco wagon. The soil seems to be the problem...i mean there is noway that the soil wouldn't change over the years. It has to and I'm sure of that. Maybe I'll try that Jack's magic that I keep reading about.

Thanks again.
I was just about to reply and suggest that you try Coco when I read the end of your post, obviously with Coco you want to know that you are at home to water everyday.
I'm completely new to growing and just a month into my first grow, I'm doing Coco/Perlite and using Canna nutrients and it is going very well so with previous grow experience you should be able to adapt quick enough and have success
I have used Verve + Allmix and my weed used to taste shit. I use a couple of composts and a single organic bloom nutrient growing autos. I don't give my plants much food or water for at least 4wks, at day 28 ish will be the first time the 12lt fabric pots get a proper drenching. Also they get very little food with most of my plants being happy at 1.25ml per Lt. I think you may do better if you fed your plant less - the only plant as yet that did a bit of yellowing from hunger is by far the biggest plant I've grown.
I'm almost brand new with autos and LEDs but am getting pleasing results with non of the issues you describe. I use boiled water. Allmix. Clover compost. Plant Magic 'Old Timer', under a phlizon cob (245w).