FC-E4800-Mars Hydro Black Friday Gift

The second round of questions::greencheck:
How many led diodes does SP6500 have?
And what the diode brand it is?
Answer rules::greencheck:
1. Answer Question
2. Tag #marshydroblackfriday
3. Mention@ 1 Friend
Timeline and prize::greencheck:
November 9-15
FC-E4800 winner will be selected from all posts that answer the question!

Visit our website to find the answer: www.mars-hydro.com

View attachment 1386095

The Mars-Hydro SP6500 lamp has 2376 diodes. Their brand is Samsung (LM301B model). So the correct answer is option B.
The second question of the second round: :greencheck:
Match the right answer in the picture.
A. FC4800:bighug:1.Covers 2*4ft tent
B. FC-E6500:bighug:2. 1206pcs Samsung diodes
C. SP3000:bighug:3. Movable bar design
Answer rules::greencheck:
1. Answer Question
2. Tag #marshydroblackfriday
3. Mention@ 1 Friend
Timeline: -November 15th :greencheck:

Those who haven't answered the first question can continue to do so.
FC-E4800 winner will be selected from all posts that answer the question!
Visit our website to find the answer:
C. SP3000 -> 1.Covers 2*4ft tent
A. FC4800 -> 2. 1206pcs Samsung chips
B. FC-E6500 -> 3. Movable bar design

@Mara Cachafa