FB Green Crack Auto - purple buds/leaves


"Russian warship, go F yourself"
Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabbing Sour Stomper
Hi all.

I am 17 days into flower on this Fastbuds Green Crack Auto plant and she is developing purple buds along with some of the newer leaves showing purple as well. Just wondering if anyone with experience with the strain has seen this. Is it a phenotype expression or something else, and should I be concerned?

Thanks in advance for your help.
System info:

pH 5.7-6.1
760 ppm
Megacrop plus Cal Mag+
75-81 deg
40-60 RH
20/4 light cycle (Kind 300
xl LED)
I just harvested a Fastbuds Green Crack and have two more a little more than 30 days old, no signs of purple on mine at any point thus far.
Appears a purple snuck into the breeding tent and you got the offspring. Years ago all us growers wanted purples....now seems they're everywhere. Nothing to worry about.
I just harvested a Fastbuds Green Crack and have two more a little more than 30 days old, no signs of purple on mine at any point thus far.
Appears a purple snuck into the breeding tent and you got the offspring. Years ago all us growers wanted purples....now seems they're everywhere. Nothing to worry about.

Excellent - thank you!
Plants look lovely and very similar to Fastbuds Blackberry....... This is a pheno expression and a wonderful one, as these colors are eye candy.... When you purchase some of their purple plants not all will be this way, a few will express all green, sometimes it works the other way around...... Good luck.
Plants look lovely and very similar to Fastbuds Blackberry....... This is a pheno expression and a wonderful one, as these colors are eye candy.... When you purchase some of their purple plants not all will be this way, a few will express all green, sometimes it works the other way around...... Good luck.

I agree with you on the aesthetics - fantastic colors. This is my first grow, so it's hard to identify problems without a personal reference frame. Thanks!
Your 1st grow is outstanding.....
Thank you. I had some hiccups at the seedling stage but she seems to be coming along now. AFN and its members have been a great resource during this process.