
Strain: fast buds c.c.
Day 10 temp 82f rh49%
Day 12 for fast buds cc strain. Temp 78f rh50% still has a lettuce appearance and very odd colors. I’m expecting her to grow out of it but we’ll see how she does in her vegging cycle.
Day 15 temp:79f Rh:49%
Feed:1.25tsp fox farms big bloom
1/2tsp General organics calmag
.6mL Mammoth P
Amount of water and feed mix used: 1/8 gal watered center around the stock for about 5-10 seconds, allowed water and feed to settle for about 2 min and ran a circle is water and feed around the edge of the planter. This style of watering is called dry circling, allowing the center root system to absorb the center feed then forcing to stretch out to find the putter ring moisture, this helps to stretch and build a stronger root system.
Appearance and growth: growing at a very steady pace, working on the 5th node, producing side branches at all node locations. Still has a very lettuce like structure to the leafs as well as odd marble coloring, but she’s coming in very strong and very sturdy! I’ll be back to update imma few days as I wanna update this as often as possible but I don’t wanna just post bs so I’ll be updating on water and feed days, until then stay tuned and as always happy growing!
Update! I know I said I would only up date my journal on feeding and watering days so I’m not just posting bullshit, but I felt this was update worthy! Day 16, [HASHTAG]#fast buds[/HASHTAG] strain c.c. Has shown her sex!
Day 18: temp:79f rh:44% 8:00am
Watered with ph’d 6.5 water with .6ml of mammoth p. Also started low stress training (LST) day 17.
Day 21 6:00am
Strain: fast buds C.C.

So here lately with the winter temps affecting my household Rh my Rh has been staying in mid 30’s to low 40’s however the plant seems to be unaffected by the lower Rh. I will be introducing the grow big from the fox farms trio to the feeding which will now be moved from twice a week to once a week, each weekly feeding will consist of big bloom, grow big, calmag and mammoth p which will gradually increase with each nutrient. The first feeding with the grow big intro will be tomorrow 12/29/2017 followed by two waterings with mammoth p prior to each feeding. I’ll continue to try and update as often as possible! Til then stay tuned and as always happy growing!!!