
Grow for health not wealth
Oct 4, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla glue #4, strawberry cough
Ok so this journal was totally unplanned! I went to go test a new medium mix I had planned to use for my fast buds test grow but wanted to use a strain I have more beans of but I guess I grabbed the wrong pack so here we are testing FastBuds newest strain C.C., no I don’t know what it stands for I wasn’t even told but what I can tell you is it’s an indica dominant and is set for release in 2018, I’d imagine the unveiling of her name will be announced on day of release so stay patient you’ll find that out in time! But let’s get started shall we!!!
Test grow information
Breeder: FastBuds
Strain: C.C. (not yet released will be set for release in 2018).
Medium: miracle grow organic vegetable and herb promix & fox farms light warrior blended at a 70/30 ratio in favor of the promix.
Planter size: 3 gallons.
Light source: 1 king led 1000w king plus (actual output 210w), 1 mars hydro 300w (actual output 130w).
Habitat: 4ft x 4ft x 6ft 8in. Helios grow tent.
Other equipment used: 12in. circulating fan, 1 gallon cool mist humidifier, ipower 6in. Inline fan and carbon filter.
Training prepared to use for grow: LST ( Low Stress Training).
12/03/2017 4:20pm cdt:
Seed was soaked in 2oz of distilled water and 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide for 18 hours, at the end of this timeframe popped or not the seed will be placed straight to the medium at about 1cm deep or 1 pinky knuckle deep and lightly covered so I don’t pack it too tight not allowing the seedling to sprout. You never wanna pack soilless mediums.
12/04/2017 6:30am cdt:
Seed was poured from cup into medium and lightly covered with medium. Sprayed surrounding area of medium with water ph’d to 6.5 and placed a humidity dome over the plant site. Grow has started under an 18/6 light cycle, I will be checking the mediums moisture periodically as well as checking for any seedling growth in the days to come.
No growth as of yet I will continue to monitor for any growth. Room temps are 79f and the Rh is 49%. I will check again tomorrow for any growth.
Checked for seedling growth and the seedling is now popping it’s head to the top of the soil still no day 1 but I’ll take it! I’ll continue to monitor the growth and development of the seedling over the next couple of days til the Shell pops off allowing the cotyledon leaves to start opening up for the first true leaves giving me a more definitive day 1 start date.
12/07/2018 6:00am cdt:
Checked seedling for growth and development and the cotyledon leaves are opening up but the first trues still aren’t quite visible to the site. Will continue to monitor the growth.
12/07/2017 11:55pm (5 min before lights out).
Checked for growth and the first trues are becoming visible. I’ll check again in the morning.(12/08/2017)
Day 1 has begun as the first trues are now visible to site. Watered with about 2-3 oz of ph’d to 6.5 water with .6ml of mammoth p. Will continue to let the plant do it’s thing and water as needed.
Day 2: checked growth and medium moisture. Medium was super dry for some reason so I lightly watered with ph’d water to 6.5, .6mL of Mammoth p, 1tsp of big bloom, 1/4tsp of cal-mag. Upon my inspection of the plant I noticed it’s stem is a vibrant red could be a couple issues but she’s still young so it’s probably just genetics. I’ll continue to monitor the growth and development of the plant.