New Grower fast and vast in soil

Dec 16, 2015
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hi guys i am halfway through a fast and vast grow, was looking into other peeps growing which led me to this site, became a member, found some really useful info from other fast and vast grows so thought i would start posting my grow as it may help others aswell?

so i have them all in a soil mix, with roughly 30% vermiculite. in a 1 meter by 1 meter tent with a 600w HID light. By reading other posts on the fast and vast i have seriously underestimated the amount of nutes i can add so have adjusted to roughly 1000ppm. they are all looking fairly happy, i think some had slight nitrogen deficiency but i am hoping the upping of nutes should help this. Temp is running ok and i have added an exhale bag into the tent today. lights on 18:6. first grow in a while so a bit rusty with a few things but setup basic. ill get some photos up soon.
What extraction fan do u use pal.. sounding good to me atm happy growing
got a 4 inch inline in and out, out has a carbon filter on. clip on fan keeping it moving aswell. i do think ill upgrde soon tho cos one of the inline fans is really loud but was cheap. need to look into a decent acoustic one! keep a top flap of the tent open aswell
Hello!! I've been a lurker of the forums for quite some time. And I've gained a ton a valuable info here. I'm on day 60 of the vast and fast. I have 3 girls going myself, these are my first autoflowers.
I'm using hempys this round (75/25 perlite to vermiculite). They are taking a little longer than advertised, but I knew that coming in. Here is what I have, roughly a 3.5x5 ft grow area. 600w hps hanging the light vertically with a diy cool tube. 18/6 light schedule and I've been able to push em to about 1100 ppm. Good luck man! And to all of you here thank you in advance for all your help!


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Sound mate sounds good to me.. iv been strugglingg to regulate heat in my 90x90x160 tengt with 600w hps.. i have a 4inch scorpion fan rught next to my light and a intake dan blowing cold fresh air onto bulb and im still havin heat issues .. so iv just set 250w back up untill i find a solution and the time to do it lol

I have a pretty crude setup going, but it's keeping the temps way down in my closet. I have a 4 inch inline fan, no name, and I got the glass tube off of some site. Super cheap, and it's serving it's purpose well!
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I have a pretty crude setup going, but it's keeping the temps way down in my closet. I have a 4 inch inline fan, no name, and I got the glass tube off of some site. Super cheap, and it's serving it's purpose well!
haha they are some big plants compared to mine. i have grown autos a few times before and am trying to see how small i can go pot size as to have more smaller plants but hopefully higher bud content per growing area. what bulb are you using?
since upping the nitrogen to the nutes the lower leaves that were going yellow are becoming more green again, lost a couple of low ones but nothing to worry about, hopefully i will see further recovery! buds on this strain seem to be getting noticably fatter by the day!