New Grower Fast and Vast Ideal Nutes for NFT Hydro (and when shall I switch lights)

Dec 22, 2016
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Hi everyone

Was keen to get some direction on the ideal nutes for a Fast and Vast grow in NFT.

Some info on my setup

I have a 100ltr tank, tap water runs at EC .6 (perfect!), ph always between 5.8-6.2, x2 600 HID lights with veg bulbs

For all previous grows, none of which are autos, I always use Canna products - Veg a/b, flower a/b, PK 13/14 (at week 10), rizotonic, boost and I tend to use some liquid oxygen and budlink. I've been told all is fine for Autos but also told the mixtures should be weaker than usual. But the big issue is when to put them in as i'm used to a 12-14 week cycle, not a 8 weeker!

To get it from seed to this point (thanks to loads of help from people on here!) I've got the current EC at 1.2 with about 60ml of veg a and 60ml of veg b and about 50ml of Rizo

I''m about 9 days in since they went into the tray and I feel they could do with some more nutes.

Does anyone know of a nutes guide? or experience with fast and vast? Canna have a basic one but again, not for autos.

Also - the lights, when should i put the flowering bulbs in? Now? After they are a bit bigger and stronger?

As always, a million thanks
At day 9 I'd still expect to be about 0.5 with IONIC 29 maybe 1.5 and depending on how quick they are to flower and stop growing switch to bloom nutes where I might let the EC get up to 2.0.
I'm growing 2 of these myself I am 4 weeks in with all autos less is better food wise I use the Lucas formula with great success so I don't know about canna newts maybe a quarter strength and see how they respond I'm using autopot s this time aswell
At day 9 I'd still expect to be about 0.5 with IONIC 29 maybe 1.5 and depending on how quick they are to flower and stop growing switch to bloom nutes where I might let the EC get up to 2.0.

Sweet. When would you switch to flowering lights? Final few weeks?
I'm growing 2 of these myself I am 4 weeks in with all autos less is better food wise I use the Lucas formula with great success so I don't know about canna newts maybe a quarter strength and see how they respond I'm using autopot s this time aswell
Cool cheers, hope they work out for you!
When are you swapping to flowering bulbs for your lights?