Outdoor farmergreen's fields of green

I had a bag of that once it looked like ground up blacktop and got just as hard...............lol! Its great stuff for patching your driveway.............:Sharing One:

maybe I'll put my stunted midgets that I was gonna toss out, in that soil. without having opened up the bag yet it already feels like I could patch the potholes in front of my house with it. If it kills a plant or two a won't stay up at night crying. and I don't have high hopes for it, just figured id give it a try.
just a quick update.

I put four swamp tubes out yesterday, its a big swamp i was going to put more out in that swamp but I underestimated how far into the woods the swampy land extends nearly a mile that too damn far to be trekking through mud just to get to the open sky here are the four I put out

the two square ones have jobes spikes in them the other two have espoma gardentone, the square one on the left and big round one up front also have seven or eight pounds of lime at the bottom of them as I have read some people do.
It's been I long time since I did an update. I had to wait to put my plants out in the swamps till all the fiddleheads had came up if you don't know what fiddleheads are they are the best greens you will ever eat

they also like to grow in wet areas like my swamp grows.

anyway I put out eight plants today in two swamps ant have one more to put out a nelson style swamp tube to put a plant in thad a few more plants to put out in random places. and my four BBD's to put out also

Oh I almost forgot I also started two dozen or so more bagseed that i have had kicking around the house for a LOOOONNNNGGGG time, like ten or fifteen yours long I still got about a fifty percent germination rate after over ten years that just goes to show how long you can keep seeds for i'll get more picks up in time.
I finally got to put out my BBD these are the two females the rest are males i havn't really decided where im going to put those yet
sorry about the pics for security reasons I had to put these plants out at night so one flash per plant was all the light a wanted to let out

but I had plenty of light to work by it' snit quite full but she is plenty bright.
I have been having a problem getting my pics from my phone to my computer so I could scrub the data properly that is why I have been slacking with the pics. here are a few for now.

here are a few pics of my BBD, they are small but they are beginning to flower and the tiny buds are even starting to get sticky I have two more in a multi pot that I thought were males but the joke is on me they are both female soooo no seeds for me this year oh well next year for that I guess.

Here are three of my WWxBB they are getting some size I have plenty more plants that need to get some pics snapped.
here are my other two BBD I thought were male but both are female one is really stunted because it fell out the pot a few times as a seedling, if you look close in the second pic you can see some small red wild strawberries! yumm yumm I love this time of year, wild strawberries now then wild raspberries then wild blueberries. I should be harvesting my dragons between the raspberries and blueberries.

you could make some STS spray and create some fem seeds if you have no males...
I could do that but I think it's a little too late for that now, even if I still can I prefer to do things the natural way, and I have patients so i'll just wait till next year.