Outdoor farmergreen's fields of green


Sir Tokesalot
Sep 15, 2014
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How are you all this fine spring day?

This is going to be the thread for all my plants this summer. What I am really waiting to get started are my blueberry dragon seeds I ordered from RCMC I have eleven of those (one was crushed when I received the seeds) waiting a few more weeks to start those, around the end of the month. I also have eighteen unlabeled freebies of witch some are autos and some are photos I guess I'll see what's what when they start to grow.

I had also a bunch of random bagseed that I'm going to scatter all over the place in a few different guerrilla grow experiments, I'm going to be trying a few swamp grows with these three to six plants per swamp and I have about fifty swamps to choose from I will also be putting some plants out in areas that have been forested in the last few years they should get plenty of light there the only real problem I see there is the deer they love to hang out in those places, lots of fresh green food close to the ground but I got fishing line to keep them out.

And this is why is started this thread today, I couldn't wait any longer, I took some of the bagseed I had it's white widow x big bud feminized I had gone though all of those seeds and took out all the white ones I didn't think had much of a chance (about thirty seeds or so) and dropped them in a shot-glass for twenty four hours, after that time eighteen seeds had sank the rest were still floating those got tossed and eighteen got planted on Apr 3 thirteen of those came up. Holy shit I was expecting more like five or six oh well I'll figure something out when the time comes.

I kept all the grade A looking seeds of the WWxBB (about 80 of those) and they will get started later, probably after my purchased seeds. I smoked a sister of those seeds last week and wouldn't you know... it's pretty good, so was the bag it came out of.

Ok so I have been writing a lot longer then i thought i would be so I better wrap this up

these are the WWxBB they stretched a little but they will be ok.

so i was at Kmart today and they have this soil 20 quart bags for $2.99 so i got two bags to try in swamp tubes. The ingredeints say it's mostly composted forest products, with some peatmoss and perlite but the bags are feakin heavy for only 20qts so i got some more perlite to mix in, Ill also mix in some composted cow manure, lime and some kelp meal i don't know how the soil will work but i figure the seeds were free so if it kills a plant or two no problem, there sar plenty more.
Looking great gf007! I'm going to be looking over your shoulder on this one ;)
PS: Love the avatar :rofl:
thanks guys, I can't wait to get started I went to check out some of my planned swamps but there is still ice and snow floating about in the water so waders or not I'm not stepping foot in that water.

here they are today and due to a little neglect I'm down to twelve little girls, and they are competing for light with a bunch of food type stuff.
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so i was at Kmart today and they have this soil 20 quart bags for $2.99 so i got two bags to try in swamp tubes. The ingredeints say it's mostly composted forest products, with some peatmoss and perlite but the bags are feakin heavy for only 20qts so i got some more perlite to mix in, Ill also mix in some composted cow manure, lime and some kelp meal i don't know how the soil will work but i figure the seeds were free so if it kills a plant or two no problem, there sar plenty more.

Get some coco coir and mix it into that soil. That soil you bought is rather crappy honestly, but you can amend it to be much better. your mix sounds fine though. some coco ( instead of peat moss ) and some perlite and you'll have a good base to work with.
I figured that soil is not too good it feels dense and heavy as hell that's why I only got two bags, for me these plants are all about finding the best way to grow in a Swamp so casualties are expected, I don't even have a clue if they will finish in time up here but hey if they do well out there I won't mind spending money on some seeds that will.

I wish I could find a local source for coco even the hydro store doesn't stock any, so with budget constraints I gotta work with what I got which is about sixty gallons of a well worked over what I call a semisupersoil (it will grow peppers and tomatoes out your ass) about ten or so cubic yards of well composted cow manure, worm castings five gallons or so, and whatever else I can scrounge up for free or close to free.

Speeking of close to free I got some Jobes plant spikes to try on a few Swamp tubes they are rated at 4-4-4 so they should be ok,

Oh by the way, if anybody has any advice for Swamp tubes speak up! I am accepting all sound advice.
the WWxBB is coming along no more fatalities, but I might toss one or two that don't seem to be doing that well. A little more time before that.

I have 6 Blueberry dragon seeds soaking right now, they will get planted tonight.
View attachment 442630

so i was at Kmart today and they have this soil 20 quart bags for $2.99 so i got two bags to try in swamp tubes. The ingredeints say it's mostly composted forest products, with some peatmoss and perlite but the bags are feakin heavy for only 20qts so i got some more perlite to mix in, Ill also mix in some composted cow manure, lime and some kelp meal i don't know how the soil will work but i figure the seeds were free so if it kills a plant or two no problem, there sar plenty more.

I had a bag of that once it looked like ground up blacktop and got just as hard...............lol! Its great stuff for patching your driveway.............:Sharing One:
thanks guys, I can't wait to get started I went to check out some of my planned swamps but there is still ice and snow floating about in the water so waders or not I'm not stepping foot in that water. f.

Hmmm, that was you in my backyard......LOL!