Fast Buds f6 does LSD-25 Fast Buds aquaponic grow #1


Jun 8, 2016
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Hey guys, popping a LSD - 25 bean in my aquaponics system!


very excited about this strain!

wish me luck!

Subbed for this one man!!! lets see some pics of your set up. I find this topic very interesting and would love to see how someone does it.

heya, glad to have you along, there are some pics in the sweet seeds section where I am doing a test grow, still trying to get some of the plumbing system working correctly but plan to do a video this week when I have it all sorted.

LSD - 25 bean has not popped yet!

Awww, someone is having a birthday!


(actually, I had to dig her out, she was heading in the wrong direction)

I guess I'm calling it for tomorrow as day one when she stands up properly on her own. 8/9/16

Will get my room and aquaponics system tidy up and plant her up and do a little vid outlining the system, it has been a wip for my entire sweet seeds test run, just waiting on a pump so full recirc is working and its all sorted!

thanks for stopping by!


me thinks this seedling has died, she stood up ok but hasn't opened and some brown on the edges :(

stem is plump so giving it 24hrs before calling it and popping a GSC

snug as a bug in a rug!


hmm, so one of those leaves keeled over but the other one plumped up, seems to be upsetting the first true leaves a bit, tiny and second real set are just starting.

time will tell... Haven't had a good start with both seeds so far :'( and this one also has a lean! WTF is it with me and leaning plants!

all said and done I am looking to a 4 week schedule to strike a bean, there will be some overlap in flowering tent but not by much, looking forward to lots of variety in the mason jars :)

What soil you using? Looks like very hot soil.
I've spilt nutes in soil before when seed had just popped and thought nothing of it. One large cotyledon pointing up, one down dying, were the initial symptoms. Then was a very small mutant for about 25 days, I wish I had just got rid at the start.
Looks exactly the same as what happened to my fast buds six shooter.
Just giving you a heads up, you might be in for a slow ride here.

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