Grow Mediums Eyes on Fire Does..Kindsoil Live Testing for the CannaZone

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oohhh yesss indeeily !! Im doing a 30% mix of one gallon KS...two gallons coco coir,and half a container (gallon jug lol) of plain texture type organic soil. and plugged, ,I didnt have plain seedling mix so I used mine but it was only a cpl cups or so.i wanna see if it works at all like this..any objections that I shouldnt run this way? Thanks.

Im going to do another one layered like my first one ,except with soil or a 50-50 with a light mix TLo and coco then layer the KS at the bottom.maybe a plug but unlikely.

I too am VERY VERY greatful for the chance to test this soil in various ways and even more grateful for Kind soil for giving US ALL the opportunity to run their wares ;) Thank You!

well the one seed aint showing yet.does coco tend to take any longer than soil? ive never germed in pure coco coir. and i have a tier cup ready,packed and watered as well as the pot too. going to drop a Supernatural OG mmmmm. Thanks Antro man!

ya it kinda threw me a little since i didnt see ANY coco moving or anthing.unlike'll see it rise and/or move and all that.but not a few hours after I asked that, I saw her slooowly WEEEE!! lol Thanks bud.

and ill soak the other this afternoon.

oh yeah Hobbes,juust wait.dig down deep in that bag of smells and pull out a fistful of extra rich stinky and squeeze irt like a moisture squeeze test for soil n take a looooong slooooow whiiifffff LOL! mmmmmm. nah Id avoid that really LOL!! but its what many organic growers have done including myself and WOOOOOO do she smell oh buddy. even mixed and thinned it smells better.more proper as an organic soil mix goes. but still heavy on the dead flip floppers(fish dudes lol )

yeah man,I LOVE that Equilibriumk from transition on or alternatively every other time with ca mg+.either way my plants really like it especially through flower.
so far I have had fair luck with planting three seeds in a simple tri angle pattern.aitn failed yet.but the sour caramel I have only two came up..uhhh,soooo lmao we'll see.but 4 ,for a thinner pot can be a little tough at times depending,so imo three is a good easy amount to do if you have smaller pots. marked with tooth picks so I know where to spray to moisten LOL
well I found this interesting to say the least. both seeds are good sized strains and Ive grown them before and thus far I have to say I very unimpressed with the moonstone in Coco Coir. but the mix I made WITH the kind soil and some seedling mix is a cpl or three days behind it and its catching it fast so far and its

well one I use is on the seventh page of my organic thread bro.just omit a few items to simplify it and thin with coco and/or perlite (small nugget) and once its cooked go ahead and thin nicely.omit one or two items or three,maybe and/or just thin it a tick more and add 1/2 cup of neem.. make roughly 12-15 gallons of seedling mix thats nice imo.

actually the one there was greener and more pretty.,this one is a little different.
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