Grow Mediums Eyes on Fire Does..Kindsoil Live Testing for the CannaZone

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Eyes on Fire

Guy Smiley
Sep 17, 2013
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Currently Smoking
High all, ;)

well,Ive been givien the opportunity to try Kind Soil out for the first time. upon opening the bag it stunk heavily of a thick fish blended soil upon a few other things but overall its a concentrated soil for Layering for most are.I wanna see if its not too hot when the early tap root says hello to it at the bottom.

I plan on waiting a cpl days yet to start since I want to see if I get a pot to do one in,other than that i plan on doing 100% as specified by Kind Soil. And, i would like to also to a mix of various proportions,all the while maintaining the strength of said product per gallon as stated. but i will be doing in a three ways minimum to find what works well or better or not at all.

soo lets get started.ill start with a blend of soil not layered(waiting on pot to do layers..if a no show ill do it in my 3 trade gallon TM3 pots) and ill most likely start with a toofless Alien or a sour hound..or possibly another larger strain just to see its feeding characteristics in general. but in a day or two ill do two in layer in different ways and again in a different mix not layered and plugged like I usually do. Again ill be maintaining the said strength of a 2-3 or 4 gallon pot with the Kind here's to Kind Soil. Thank you for allowing me to try your product. very excited!!

oh almost forgot.the first layer pot or two will not be getting ANY cal mag until its VERY apparent it needs stated on the site I believe it is supposed to require zero cal mag if i understood it right.but we'll see. and Thanks again.

Sweet!! lol yup, Im sure this will work fine actually. what do I think of the people? great and fantastic growers coming in on this organics trial.and as far as the soil.Im a bit leary on the fact it says no cal mag.especially under LED? hmmm,we'll see.. but layering I typically dont do so thats why Im going to use a blend as well as the layer method but overall its extremely bad fish smelly.LOL which can be good but most doing organics want a little smell as possible, so for some that might be a drawback but again, we'll see.LOL

I know the TLO mixes I use even concentrates that I did a few years ago didnt smell this funky ,but as long as the components arent too much (which I think ultimately it'll be great personally) for our auto's I think this is going to be a grow to remember in the organics community.

and ill have the first pot worked by this afternoon or evening. Thanks again. gonna choose a bean er three here in a few minutes lol
looks like a winner to me man!! ill be doing two varied layering methods and also,atleast one simple mix of that blended 50/50 or thereabouts.LOL nice plant man! no cal mag eh? that has me concerned a lil bit to be honest.LED's?
ya Ive used upwards of 60% mix with plain coco coir and TLO soil. never went a lot higher than that.maybe a cpl times close to 65% or so but all coco? man I wanna see that. Ph that low would rip any life apart. as a simple feeding regime Id bet it';ll work great if you wanted to do that and PH till it catches and feed once early seedling strength n all that,but it'll prolly work that way..? imo. ya I wanna do a full on coco myself without anything n see what we see and a blend 50-50 and layer as stated in the literature.but those are the three ways I plan on running with small variations in between. should be fun!!

cant wait to see that un released strain too!!
so it was a fully integrated cal mag soil then? nice!! Ive done that partially ,but never went super heavy on the salts and varying compnents for fear of unsettling the man,thanks good to know.
well got mine ready.a moonstone amnesia from Stone I believe,this is 2 and 1/4 LBs of kind soil tamped at the bottom as per the pic and 11(33 cups roughly) scoops of plain unused coco coir and two scoops of my soil( 6-7 cups) to provide the smallest of foods for early life.its well over 85% approaching 90% prolly. and the top 1/2" to an inch is plain coco as you can see as I pulled back the coco to expose the soil and mostly coco mix in the pic.soaking for roughly 18 hours and will water it in completely with grey water from the tap/well,and we'll see in a cpl weeks or so.

and ill be doing other ways with this mix I just wanted to get the way they described kinda going with just about 100% coco.almost anyway. you could use something like Dr earth or similar Id think.

all i know as any chem bud regardless of how it was cured,flushed not flushed makes me dry heave... more than once.Im incredibly keen on being able to taste chems in food,weed,soil you name it.I can smell it on em. and taste is another whole world for me. but i can massively tell a difference.
ya man,i can grab a fistful of light ole chem producted soil..lightly i might add too,and it stinks.flatout sour milk to me man.i couldnt stand it for more than a second.Mom said whats wrong.LMAO i freaked n said ewwww its got chems in it..others in the store looked at me like I was special LMAO!!
thats the killer thing,we're all going to be doing it slightly different.thats awesome.I pulled three sprouts today for various reasons.and of course Im already thinking of doing another KS grow done yet another way.already got the site directions method going. I wanna try another way and then yet another way too.LOL looking forward to seeing ya do it up man!
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