What's up guys I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not but it is general discussion so I thought I would toss it in there. My personal life is so fucked my bud Sniper knows somewhat about it as we have chatted. My ex-wife, we have a 2 year old girl together that I have full custody of, well in short after 4 years of being together, 2 of it married we decided to get or really she decided she wanted a divorce. Reason being I was sick with kidney issues in and out the hospital and I was never home because of that, are you confused yet? Because I am. Here comes some more mind fuckery, about a week after the divorce is final and the custody is final she decided she wants to work shit out, well me being me I say why not well we were supposed to just date but ended up moving back in together and everything went south fast and that lasted for about 2 or 3 months, well after that she decides she wants to call it quits again and and this point I am like ok who gives a shit this is stupid. So 2 more months go by... Same shit she says I love you I don't want to be with anyone else yadda yadda. Well me being me again and the fact we do have a daughter and she has 3 other kids that are pretty much mine because all of there dad's are pieces of shit, I say ok but actually enforce the not living together and take things slow approach, the problem with her is she is very hostile with the kids and me, I want to help her but the shit is like night and day, she has been and is a drug user and drinker. I have been sober for 8 years and I have my feet planted firmly it is just the fact that she trys to rub it in my face or something,as of now I am writing this on my phone and she is laying beside me, I do love her , I want us to be a family but she makes it damn near impossible as already for this 3rd and final time around I am already seeing those traits in her that she is supposdly trying to change.. hostility, anger, drug use/drinking, mental abuse toward me and the kids. Since I took our daughter and moved out I started growing and smoking again for medical reasons it really helps my mental state and damn near all the physical problems, SHE HATES that I have this to the point I told her I stopped because she fucking ruins it and frankly she makes my physical and mental problems worse, if it was not for this site and my friend, Sniper that got me reintroduced to smoking for medical reasons and growing for my own mental reasons I really do not know what the hell I would do, thank you for listening guys, anyone has any comments or advice it would be appreciated, much love.
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