Evol Banter (test thread)

Awesome Evol.

I just put them outside, at about a foot high, no more time to let them veg, they should be good though.

Here is some of the VOG

2014-09-16 001 026.jpg
2014-09-28 001 001.jpg
2014-09-28 001 007.jpg
2014-09-28 001 015.jpg
2014-09-28 001 016.jpg
2014-09-28 001 017.jpg
2014-09-28 001 019.jpg

bye for now

Spice will stretch quite a bit after it goes into bloom. I have three going in 1 gal pots and they are all about 3ft tall...
Those V og are beautiful! I cant wait to try it.
Babushka sounds awesome man. :Sharing One:
Thanks for stopping by Blue and neko

Here are some Spice I have going..About 5 days in 12/12
2014-10-05 21.04.11.jpg
2014-10-05 21.04.29.jpg
Finially got some cards printed.

2014-10-13 14.23.27.jpg

2014-10-13 14.23.51.jpg

I would like to thank Trapper for all of his help and great designs!
Looks like they came out nice ;)
They turned out even better then I had hoped. Now that I see it on a card I HAVE to get some shirts printed.
Well done, Trapper!