New Grower Epsom salts

@Glasgow Stoner78 hey dude epsom salts is used mainly to give the plants magnesium and some sulphur. After Nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium some of the next most important nutrients are calcium and magnesium.
You can mix it into your soil when preparing add a tablespoon to every 5 litres of mix or you can dilute it in water and feed normally or use as a foliar feed.

A lot of growers just use calmag instead, its mainly a calcium and magnesium suppliment with other elements depending on the brand.
I would reccomend finding one that doesnt have added N in it
My soil has a low PH from the get go and I add Lime to the mix to bring it back up. I also add Epsom salt and have used oyster shell along with the lime and salt in my mix. The 3 all do about the same thing, well the oyster shell dose not have mag in it but they all provide calcium and release it at different rates. If you have large enough pots, have it mixed in your soil and your not using pure RO water you can usually go a whole grow with out needing it. I only have to use cal/mag because I use bottled water.