What's up everyone, what's growing on ? There's some lovely plants here at the finish line ! Man I LOVE the smell of this strain. It's one of a kind. As for me and my tied up Hubba, I forfeit ! I ended up with a little more than a Qp of Hubba buds, and it's all in boxes. I'm going to use every last drop of it for BHO.
I was really lucky to salvage what I did. That being said, I should explain. This girl got uglier than sin. I had a mix up with my Nutes some time ago, and ultimately ended up with Nitrogen toxicity in two of my plants. I was so glad to get it down and out of the way. Sorry if I disappoint. That plant belonged no where near this finish line.
Good luck to everyone ! :pass:
That's interesting!
How far can we push them nutewise before it actually reduces yield?
I my current grow with Big Plant Science nutes, I've been recommended to push the base nute Power House up to 5 ml/L instead of the 2 ml/L that's the general recommedation.
I forgot to say, the good thing with the Big Plant Science nutes, is that they are soly based no nitrate as nitrogen sources. There is no ammonium in it. It is the chemistry of the ammonium ion that burn roots.
sad to hear of your forfeiture @Tetra9 I'm sure she will make you some nice BHO, nonetheless. I am currently on the "flush", about 10% amber. I will get her cleaned up in a few days, for a final photo shoot.
Awesome job, everyone.
Well guys I'M done like a dinner here is some per pruned picks.
Harvest day. Cleaned up & tied.
View attachment 644750
Final shot, no restraints.
View attachment 644751
Her buds are tiny, in comparison to her sister but, there are literally hundreds of them. Major PITA to trim.
The next one should be a breeze.

I learned some valuable lessons with this. Next time a plant gets this tall, I will definately lollipop. Or, add additional lighting, at an earlier stage, for bottom development.
Also, I wont ever overcrowd my tent like I had. And, I will feed Less, in the beginning, feeding water only, in between flower transition (thank fairly).

Wet weight: 817.8