Hmmm... Showing some issues with some spotting, discolouration and a bit of crispness. Unnerving slightly. I'll take some photos sometime this weekend, get some input from you guys and move forward from there.
Yes sir, I think I'll take the reduction in light hours for the unmatched intensity of the sun.. she's only been out a couple days and shes blowing up!!
Nothing beats the Sun!
I wouldnt worry mate i get leafs looking like that when heavy feeding in bloom.maybe knock back a ml on the feed until later bloom.then hit her heavy again.plenty of water between feeds is best;) but over all mate aint gna bother her 1 bit u have enough healthy green leafs to take her to the finish line;)
That's interesting!
How far can we push them nutewise before it actually reduces yield?
I my current grow with Big Plant Science nutes, I've been recommended to push the base nute Power House up to 5 ml/L instead of the 2 ml/L that's the general recommedation.
I think that some put to much into the leaf when well into bloom all my leaves look like trash by the time I'm done but the bud is always ooy gooy good. I pay attention to the leafs but have found that if you back off the base nutes by even half a mill and up your bud booster supplement it works for me I always seem to harvest huge well flushed bud. And give the plants a drink of water during growing not a flush. I give them a drink of straight water every ten days when feeding quarter strength every feed it works for me