Dutch Passion epic 200+ plant grow, legal Belgium cannabis social club gets under way with DP seeds

to answer AB, the actual location of the grow is known only to the bare-minimum number of social club members.

In the Uk, we semi took it for granted this was how the coffee shops where home furnished. The vision of a 70m by 30m glasshouse, Brabant style, with a manicured pristine automated mega res fed crop, with auto ph/ec res adjusters, for the home hasji and bud outlets around nl. The traditional vision of the Glowing bright yellow mega horticulture greenhouse !! This is like the social version !......i allway's thought you where aloud a minimal amount of personal plants in nl. For personal use. Is it possible, do you think it could be possible in nl, the TUP approach ??.......in future ?/...............the TUP grow spec is awesome Tone,..........some of the fresian dew can hit 7ft !!...you will need a serious house height !!.......can just imagine the "200" 17 strains mixed bouquet in the glasshouse......what a smell &sight that is going to be.............like a DP seed prod room !!.....and then some !!............and a kg of scissor hasji !!......................what a nice thought.................AB................
hey Hazy, the most amazing thing about the whole mega-grow is that it is totally legal , shit loads of dope grown in the centre of europe and all legitimately. The first of it's kind, but it wont be the last.

I hope to get a few carefully selected photo's to show you all soon. Maintaining the security is the biggest concern the TUP team have when you consider the theoretical value of their grow. At DP we are convinced that this is the future of european growing, well run cannabis social clubs where the members are responsible adults that know what they want (loads of top quality weed heh heh ho ho heh heh)
I need a new career Tony ... any jobs going there !.:five: