Extraction Enails and Dabbing Rigs


On Parole from the Naughty Step
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
I'm seeing more and more interest in enails these days... After dropping all that dough to make bho I said wtf I have no GREAT way to smoke all my hard work, I got a crappy low end Quartz nail

A even more crappy ti nail

Than my SSV with oil attachment


They get the job done but not in the best way I should be enjoying my meds, I love the SSV cause I can leave it on and keep dabbing from it but taste is just so so and nail doesn't burn oil all the way leaving for a nasty nail quickly, the ti nail is just a joke, and besides the chore of using the torch I like the Quartz nail the best....
So after much interest and a lot of research into the enail market I've learned a lot... There are a ton of Chinese knock offs to be had, a lot of them questionable some that seemed solid were Gimido and G9 and Greenlight are a couple that come to mind... Than if you start looking at the heating cord and than the nail the options are endless and quite frankly a bit overwhelming to make such a purchase.... Imho if you can't afford a name brand setup get a control box from China and be sure to source the proper cable to match the box and look else where for the nail component of the kit, as Brother Tang pointed out who knows what your smoking off of when using a Chinese nail... And the more I thought about it I didn't want a piece of equipment that I will use quite frequently through out the day that can reach temps of 800 plus to chance that to some over seas company....
So seeing the price of the dnail I was floored at the price, but after thinking it over I decided to get a DIY Dnail direct from dnail and save all the $$$ on their fancy enclosures and assemble the unit myself (basically looks plug and play) and I ended up with a highly educated infinity nail with a flat coil, it should be here on sat! :dance: I'll probably make some videos on it....
So let's share in this thread enail info questions, pics of rigs or news or talk of new gear coming out... (Hey see them honey collector wand things they look kick ass!)
Keep on Dabbing Folks!
And hey Tang why didn't you tell us you had your own branded enail?
:crying: found that while looking for different enails :)
keep on dabbing folks!