Electric bill shock and awe!

Jul 8, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Hell hound, Durban Poison
Hi all so im still new to growing, i did my first run with two spyder farmer 1000's. I grew six autos. My electric bill almost doubled from around 48$ a month to 86$ a month, no big deal i expected that. So i scored a couple more lights hoping to increase my yield on my second run. I only added one more light to bring the total to three 1000's now, they supposedly only pull a 100 watts each from what i understand. I just got my new bill for a whopping 300$ i almost lost my shit, like what the heck man that third light made my bill go up that high?! Ridicules! So looking at my bill it states that my consumption threw me in a new billing tier or some crap like that. So back to a crowded two light set i go i guess. Just wondering if some you good folks would chime in any suggestions or powerbill rants or am i just being a tight wad?

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Hey Dr. Ya that is insane. You have a right to loose your shit! Almost not even believable.

It probably doesn't do any good since you have already invested in these lights, but power consumption was a large influence in my purchasing of autocobs. They are like 65 watt draw each. I got three of these, I was looking at the light you got and the mars ts1000.

Maybe see if there is anywhere else in your house you can cut back on power at.:pass:

If you’re in California I can relate. My bill last winter was bonkers as it put me into the higher tier. SoCal at least Los Angeles county, doesn’t have tiered rates unless you call and ask for an evaluation. That blew my mind. That and the fact that LADWP are legitimately crooks. I was running 1000 watts.

Only thing I can suggest is trying to run closer and use the dimmers if you have them.
Something not adding up. With the figures you provided, running 2-100w @ 24hr/day increased your bill by $38 or .27 cents per KWH. Adding 1 more 100w adds 72 KWH/ month or $19.44, for a bill of $106/month. For you to be paying $300 your rate would be a whooping .93 cents/KWH. For perspective the highest rate is Hawaii with .32 cents/KWH , the lowest Oklahoma at .10 cents.
Get rid of your Tesla cause your grow lights aren't causing the increase.
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I mean with summer ending and running AC, if one is, it all starts adding up and can push you to the next tier. Though I would agree that 100 watts isn’t much.
I run 18/6 from 5am when i wake up to 11pm when i crash out. But i hear ya it definitely doesnt add up i think PNM has gone batshit crazy. Im not sure how i could argue this with them. Tesla hahah i couldnt afford one if i wanted.....
With the new smart meters that have been getting installed around the country bill estimation is almost a thing of the past but that might be one reason for the big jump. They estimate your bill based on past use then actually check it every few months...if less was used you get a real low bill one month, if more used a high as f#@k bill.