Indoor Eggs Auto Adventure

Sawney Bean Seeds
  • It's day 30 and I'm steadily removing leaves, mostly those that point in towards the stem and those that are covering shoots below but it's getting busy and humidity sits at around 75%. I'm thinking heavier removal will likely be needed this coming week as they begin to stretch...



    Sawney Bean Seeds
  • Well it's now day 33 and I got out of work early so that I could spend a bit of time, uninterrupted, removing leaves. I always start off a bit tentatively but with each plant done more comes off the next and I end having to go back over them. Then i think shit, have I gone too far. Anyway, I started at the top and worked down the plants, leaving the lower leaves that weren't covering anything - they'll go next time I get out my attack snips! I got half a carrier bag off them this time, put the plants back in, shoved them up close to make room for the dehumidifier (RH is still mid 70's) and it hardly looks like I did anything...

    Sawney Bean Seeds
  • Day 51 and there's buds a plenty. I stopped watering from the bottom and humidity is back down in the 50's also the pots are drying out a lot quicker now. I can't imagine my stupidity did them any good but they're battling on... The Bronson, front left, is certainly piling on the bud weight with the Lecter and Slaughtered Lamb following nicely.

    Sawney Bean Seeds
  • Well this has been a grow of 2 half's with the first half being better than the second. I've watched things slowly deteriorate, due to my stupidity with bottom watering airpots, this past week or 2 and I'm really sad to say I'm almost at the point of calling it and starting a new grow. Gutted doesn't really cover it. The damage was done day 40 to 50 I would say and when I open the pots I fully expect rotten roots.
    Not all is bad news though, the 2 Bronsons have carried on regardless so I should at least get something tasty, they certainly smell great! and I will also get a bit off the Lecter and Slaughtered Lamb.

    Here's the picture for those with a strong stomach...


    Bronson the absolute trajan.
