Effects of Light Intensity on Plant Growth

Greetings, AFN members, OSP here. I’m a new AFN member moving in from another forum. After sneaking around a number of threads here looking for secret information, I’ve decided to start this thread. I want to evaluate the effects of light intensity on plant growth. More specifically, how lighting can be used to encourage or minimize plant stretch.
In the short time I’ve been a member here I’ve met a number of very knowledgeable growers, and I’m inviting each of you to participate or chime in as you see fit. Since I am new to AFN I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of interested parties. If you are reading this feel free to tag in anyone I’ve missed:
@fettled6 @912GreenSkell @bushmasterar15 @Waira @MedGrower @Son of Hobbes @Nosias @Screwauger @HemiSync @ChroToker @Need4Weed

I've grown photoperiods since forever under High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting, and stretch has always been a thing to plan for. Several years ago I decided to experiment with an autoflower freebie, and since then I've completed (12) single-plant autoflower grows. To the point that I'm not doing photoperiods anymore. Maybe again one day. I have a Colombian Gold freebie that has brought back memories, but not today.
In the process of migrating from photoperiods to autoflowers, I also began a transition from HID to LED lighting. Over this period I began to see a pattern. With every one of my HID grows, all my autoflowers exhibited healthy stretch. It started quicker than photoperiods, but the overall effect was similar. Low Stress Training (LST) was effective, bud quality was very good and yield was very good to excellent. But with my LED grows, absolutely NONE of my autoflowers stretched. I had complete grows that never exceeded 10” in height.But with LED I can’t help but think much more is possible. Over 44+ years of growing I’ve seen well trained plants out-yield plants with no training every time. So I want the ability to encourage stretch in my plants.
For the sake of other AFN members, I believe the inverse of this stretch phenomena could be very beneficial to growers with a limited amount of grow space headroom. I want to prove or disprove, to some relative degree of certainty, that light intensity can be used to influence stretch when growing cannabis. But first I need to gather data on other growers’ experiences with plant stretch, and its association to light intensity during the plant’s lifecycle.

This is NOT an opinion piece of “is LED better than HID?” LED is certainly different, and in many respects (heat &efficiency) we all know it IS better. And this is NOT an attempt to compare LED lighting brands. There are numerous characteristics of LED lighting that determine light quality, and our most excellent site admin, @Son of Hobbes has started a thread on what parameters can be used to define those. His efforts may be reviewed here: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/what-should-be-on-a-grow-light-review.64857/ I’ve added a few well chosen thoughts on that topic - PAR watts, efficiency, most favored color spectrum, etc.. But I’m not smart enough to make that final differentiation so I’m happy to watch as SOH finishes that. The only facts I intend to present here are those I’ve experienced with my auto grows.

There are a number of other factors besides lighting that affect plant growth. In an effort to keep this thread focused on light intensity with no outside variables, I asked one of AFN’s most experienced members, MedGrower, for his input. His comments, and my follow up confirming those variables were addressed, can be found in his grow thread located at https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-dwc-hs1-telos-0008.64718/page-2#post-1758834
In consideration to MedGrower, if you have any comments / questions, send them to me or post here. I don’t want to trash his grow thread with my conspiracy theory so I’m asking each of you to please share that consideration with me.

For the sake of this study I’d like to focus on the two main lighting factors that control intensity - light height throughout the grow cycle, and “power” of the light over the grow canopy; i.e. watts per sq.ft.. Light height is an easy factor to define as long as we document the variation during a plant’s growth cycle. Plant canopy area is an easy measure. Power consumption is an easy measure. I know, watts per sq.ft. is not the most meaningful measure of an LED’s efficiency. But until or if we ever reach consensus of an industry standard measure for all lighting types, I am using watts consumed at the wall, per square foot. No matter how much we insist this is not the best method (I agree), wattage consumed per square foot is the only readily available factor across all lighting types. And no matter how much we agree to disagree, it should provide a reasonable enough classification of small / medium / large lighting to support this study.

My light ratings are 62.5W/sq.ft. for HID and 65W.sq.ft. for LED. As to other influences on plant stretch, my grow techniques with HID and LED are as close to identical as one can get for environmental control and nutrient regimen. So enough intro, let’s kick this in the ass as I describe my experiences with autoflowers to date.

My starting system for HID is a 250W cooltube and batwing reflector with a metal halide bulb for veg and a high pressure sodium for bloom. The tent is a 4 sq. ft. system (2' X 2' X 5’3") by Secret Jardin. I configured it with (2) 4” 170CFM centrifugal fans, one for light cooling and the other for odor control through a 12” X 4” Phresh carbon filter). My nutrient regimen is General Hydroponics’ expert recirculating formula with some strength and slight ingredient tweaks. This regimen has not changed between HID and LED grows.
I grow hydroponically, and my system is configured for a single plant in a DIY 4 gallon Ebb ‘n Gro net pot with hydroton clay pebbles. The system floods automatically every two hours for 15 minutes. I call this DIY because I do not rely upon the complex valves and fittings normally associated with commercially available ebb and grow systems. Those systems rely upon multiple pumps, flow control valves and timers opening and closing with each flood cycle to deliver and recover nutrients to/from the plant. A strength of these commercial systems is they enable the reservoir to sit at the same height as the grow containers. Negatives are they are complex and expensive. My system relies upon a passive DIY manifold sitting on top of the reservoir, and the only moving part is an inexpensive and very reliable 170 gph hydro pump. Total ebb n’grow component cost with four net pot buckets was under $100. I bought four net pot buckets to simplify plant positioning changes throughout my grows, and to run parallel grows in separate tents. My DIY manifold does raise system height by the height of the reservoir, but the entire reservoir, tent and plant container system comes in under 7’ tall. It’s a quality system with all the right parts, and it fits in a closet if it has to (mine doesn’t).

I’m going to drift off topic for a moment as I’ve been known to do. I’ve used all types of hydro systems for many years and this is my favorite. It re-oxygenates the root zone after each flood every two hours. Supply to the net pot is positive pressure flow, while draining is passive / gravity, so aggressive root growth is pushed back into the net pot and will never cause a clog in the system’s hydro line. And even if a clog were to somehow mysteriously occur, overflow is not possible due to the design of the manifold. The system is fully automated - I recently took an eight day trip with no worries that the system would stay fully functional until I returned, and it did. A separate reservoir (I use 12 to 14 gallons) from the grow container makes nutrient changes and maintenance simple, and the added capacity gives me plenty of “headroom” in the nutrient mix as the plant drinks.
Here’s a pic of the original HID tent. The manifold is the white bucket to the left outside the tent. The ebb ‘n Gro bucket is slightly out of position on the shelf behind the tent:

So I read with interest your comment about decarb'ing before the wash. Can you explain why you wouldn't be able to tell if decarb'ing before results in a 10 or 100mg dose? Is that due to the quality of the material? Like bud Vs trim? Or shitty pot versus top shelf weed? Or something else I don't understand?
And in your method, when does decarb'ing occur?
I want to clarify this one for you, this was in response to your recipe for canna-sugar.
Wash your trim in Everclear, filter & pour it into your sugar bowl, then when it dries, re-crush the sugar and use it in the morning coffee
There is no concern for decarb or dosing in this generalized recipe, so no matter if you decarbed or not, one would have no idea how much THC is in the sugar. Although, without decarbing the weed before the wash, the end product will have very little activated THC in it anyhow and would not be psychoactive. I love dosing math and it’s so simple that guessing at it, as most recipes would have you do it, and test it little by little is just silly to dangerous. Sorry getting off track. :baked:

So back to my comment, with that recipe, one has not idea how much weed to alcohol to sugar ratios. Doesn’t say how much trim to use or how much sugar is in the bowl. So you have no idea how much THC is in each gram of sugar. A better recipe, with the assumption that your trim is good quality has a 10% potential THC after decarb would be as follows:
Decarb 7g of weed (whatever method works for you, I use an Ardent Nova)
——- 7g equals 7000mg, so 7000x10%=700mg of potential THC or 70 recreational doses

Freeze & Wash with Everclear or any 150+proof drinkable alcohol.

——- assuming I don’t have a still. I would freeze and do at least a five minute wash. It’s for edibles not vaping so if you get a little chlorophyll it’s not going to hurt anything and why waste any meds that might be in there.
Strain off the alcohol. Reserve the weed for a longer wash if you want.

——- For proper dosing you need to know how much THC is in how much sugar. You know you have a potential for 70 doses in the alcohol. A teaspoon of granulated sugar is said to be 4 grams. Take 70 x 4 = 280 grams of sugar that you would need.

Mix the 280g sugar with the alcohol and then allow to evaporate and recrush your sugar. Then you will have approximately 10mg of THC in every teaspoon, unlike the previous recipe where you had no idea what you had.
Oil to sugar with everclear sounds great. Cannabis oil to cooking oil sounds very useful too. Seems I need a still, what do you recommend?
I think my 40 liter copper Portugese alembic rum still would be too big?
That would depend on how much trim and alcohol you have, personally I use something called the Green Oil Machine, it does a gallon at a time. You can google that and then if interested in purchasing it I can show you where to buy one for much less and the folks that buy it swear it’s the same device.
Two days ago. Trichromes are almost all cloudy, 10 - 15% amber. The "Blue" terpenes are winning the battle over the "Cheese" terpenes, generally happy about that. Lower fan leaves are beginning to degrade so I think she's finishing early & ready to start taking down. But I've got a busy week ahead so not going to hurry, she can stand another week to n days on the stalk if I need it.

On a side note - if anyone is thinking of succumbing to all the LG ThinQ phone ads on TV, don't. My old LG Nexus 5X was an economy phone whose picture quality blew this one away. I fidget and fuss and take 10 or 15 pic's with the new ThinQ just to get one pic that is in focus and can be cropped to show the trichromes. In deference, they do advertise this phone's camera strength is its wide angle / panorama features. But standard pic's just aren't there IMHO. Almost any zoom function washes out with lots of color / focus "noise". Maybe a software update helps soon.

Enough technology bitchin', she's a pretty girl!!!!! And a test bud's in the kitchen for later tonight.
Okayyyyy, this thread keeps drifting back and forth between a Light Intensity theory-thing, and varied half-assed grow threads. Witness my Blue Cheese photo work just above this post. That one's done, and was such a pleasant outcome that I thought I should share it one last time with all of you. If you see anyone I missed, please tag them in for me.

This will be the final grow thread / smoke & yield / strain report for this plant, all wrapped up into one. Come colder weather when I can't get outdoors, I expect to return to my more regular ways on AFN. At least until next Spring, I'll probably go AWOL again … :cooldance::woohoo:
@Autotron @HemiSync @Nosias @MedCzech @fettled6 @912GreenSkell @Waira @bushmasterar15 @TheMongol @Need4Weed @archie gemmill @Dynodave @lunarman @ManOGreen @Eclectic Elle @Damien50 @Dinafem-Mark @BigSm0

Dinafem Blue Cheese Autoflowering

This was a single plant hydro grow in a 2’3” X 2’3” X 5’3” Mars Hydro tent. Vegetative lighting was supplied by a 250W Metal Halide HID bulb and CoolTube reflector coupled to a 4” 171CFM centrifugal fan. Bloom lighting was supplied by a Mars Hydro .Pro-II Cree-128 LED system which consumes 325 watts-at-wall, on a 20 / 4 light regimen. Bloom stage ventilation was provided by a 340CFM Vortex fan with speed controller throttled down to about 1/3 speed, coupled to a 24” X 6” Phresh carbon filter. (Editorial note – this is by far the QUIETEST fan / filter combo I have ever used, and odor control was 100% effective).

The hydro system is a 4 gallon Flo ‘n Gro container with my custom manifold connected to a 12 gallon reservoir, flooding every two hours, total (11) flood cycles per day. Nutrients are General Hydroponics Flora 3-part Expert Recirculating formula with my formula and strength tweaks and all additives. Water is RO filtered, with Cal-Mag and Armor-Si added to 400ppm before nutrients. All ppm references include the 400ppm’s of my base water; i.e. an 800ppm reference includes 400ppm starting water level with 400 ppm nutes added).

At the start of vegetative growth, light height started at 30“,dropped to 24”, 20” and finally 14” over the first four days. For the remaining duration of veg, light height was maintained at 14”.
During bloom, light height started at 24”. Over three weeks, the plant “grew to the light” and ended up at 16”. One week before harvest I raised the light slightly to 18”, and kept it there through harvest.

Nutrient strength ran 750 to 950 ppm during veg through transition. Starting bloom nutes at 980ppm turned out to be too much, reduced to 800ppm during second week of early bloom. Mid bloom formulations were happy at 950ppm, while late bloom was happy around 1000ppm.

This plant did not want a lot of nutes. During early bloom at 900ppm, the leaves turned a too-dark deep, almost black emerald green – a classic precursor to nitrogen overload. The only way I could correct this was to dilute to 800ppm AFTER eliminating the Flora Grow base entirely. For the remainder of bloom to finish she relied upon the Flora Micro base and additives for all her nitrogen needs. The resulting formula was a bit like Lucas formula ratios but with full additives and strength adjustments to try and maintain a stable ppm. From mid bloom onward, it was a struggle to keep ppm’s below 1,000; they kept inching upward, even at 50% nute strength. And in Late Bloom, 33% strength also resulted in creeping-upward ppm’s. But, even though ppm’s tended to creep upward during the last half of bloom, the plant exhibited no signs of nute stress. Suffice to remember, if you grow this strain (you should!), it won’t need a lot of nutes but within reason will tolerate them if given.

Overall, I have been very impressed with this strain. From mid through late bloom the blueberry pheno started showing a beautiful deep blue to purple, and trichrome production was equal to any of the white strains I’ve grown before. Enough so that flash photography wasn’t permitted; it discolored the overall color balance with flash reflection. If you look back through this thread you’ll see the results, but in case you’re in a hurry, here’s a close-up taken on Sep16, five days before beginning harvest:


Height was also very manageable. The metal halide HID bulb did encourage some early stretch, enough to open the plant up nicely with LST training. Switching to LED lighting pretty much froze the stretch, with overall height staying around 16”. Horizontally, with training, she spread to 27” to fill the tent side-to-side.
This plant's structure is very robust; I have never seen a plant that could be trained out to grow so many top colas. After some diligent LST during late veg into early bloom, I counted over 50 top colas. Here's another shot from Sep16, five days before starting harvest. See what I mean?????:


The buds of my pheno exhibited a decidedly sativa dominant trait – slim, 3 to 5” long. Not rock hard but still pleasingly dense, mostly sativa texture with no wispiness or foxtailing. Leaf-to-bud ratio on the colas was good (70 grams of dried sugar leaf, curing for concentrates / edibles). It’s worth the effort to save your sugar trim as they are covered in trichromes. Even the fan leaf stems are covered in trichs & should be very good for topicals. Here’s a bud shot taken after harvest on Oct6, when the first top buds taken were starting their cure:


This pic shows a sampling of bud sizes. Not some of my best camera work, a bit out of focus, but WTF, I was high that day. But this should give you an idea of overall bud sizes:


All of the top buds developed a beautiful blueberry tint, but as the colas cured, they darkened and lost a bit of that beautiful color. But bag appeal remained decent – you can see the darkened buds in the cure jar pic below. Weight-to-volume tended to be average, and trichromes continued to sparkle after curing.
Yield is very good to excellent. About one week into cure, final yield stands at 293g / 10.4 oz. This one made me smile – not as much as BubbleGum or Kalashnikova, but still a pretty big smile:


I recommend not completely de-boning each cola before curing begins– these buds are not extremely dense and may tend to dry too much if de-boned. ; Not to mislead you, there is no wispiness in the buds of this strain, they are just more sativa-like so diameter and length are less than my typical indica donkey-dong buds.

Taste is amazing, one of the best ever even at this early stage where the cure is just beginning. The sweet blueberry taste comes through with every toke, and aroma is sweet with a slight hint of pine,and a strong hint of skunk comes out as the bud is prepared for consumption. I can’t wait to sample the cured version of this strain, predicting it will be off the chart.

The high is definitely sativa – very energetic, social, creative. Every now and then you feel like you’re floating away, and wonder if you remembered to tie your shoe laces to the coffee table. A bit psychedelic but no paranoia, totally manageable. After the initial rush subsides, it provides a very relaxing body buzz without the couch lock. Expect good things with intimate partners, reminds me of Cinderella-99 quite a bit, only with an even better taste.

Due to the buds-per-cubic-area density of the top buds, I did a sequential harvest with this plant. First all the top buds; a week later mid level buds, then another week later the bottom buds. And finishing time definitely shows the sativa influence. While the breeder calls this a 70 day strain from seedling to harvest, real world was significantly longer.
(Editorial note: I grow seedlings under a 23W CFL in a small bubble cloner, until I have a strong root system established and four nodes on the plant. This took twelve days. Maybe a bad habit on my part, but since I don’t need a tent or “real” lights for this germination phase, and it can be done in advance of and parallel to any previous harvest, I don’t count this time for any of my grows.)
From the seedling’s transplant to LED, to harvest of all top colas, took 73 days (or85 days if you want to count the seedling growth stage). After adding back a bit of Nitrogen to the nutes, I ran all mid level buds to day 80. And by day 87, all bottom buds were harvested. With the extra couple of weeks, bottom bud color and texture improved nicely. No blueberry color, but a nice green that does not look like regular old popcorn.
This one takes her time, but the enhanced yield is worth it.

The only negative I have for this strain is the ruderalis-induced leafiness. This bitch kept me working HARD through early and mid bloom trying to keep up with leaf pruning. Making matters worse, once the multitude of buds began to set, it was practically too thick to work in between each cola to remove fan leaves. Not just a little, but VERY difficult. I have never seen a plant with such vegetative denseness. Faeries could walk across that jungle. And once the top buds are harvested, the remaining bottom buds are still packed together with leaves that could not be trimmed earlier because you could not see their stems. The remaining buds are a bit more dense than traditional popcorn, but color will suffer if you don’t give them extra light time of sequential harvest. Restoring a bit of nitrogen to the diet definitely helps this. To-flush or not-to-flush? Another argument for not. Or, the bottom buds would be good candidates for some concentrates & edibles. But after a full dry and beginning cure, even the lower buds have good taste & high. I expect smoke quality will continue to improve as the cure progresses.

In closing, this is an excellent strain that yields very well, tastes amazing and provides a very pleasing uplifting high. It is not hard to grow if you manage your nutes lightly and back off the nitrogen, but if you miss the mark and go a bit high, she seems to tolerate that with no stress. Just expect to spend an inordinate amount of time with leaf pruning regardless of your nutrient regimen.
So what’s next in Olde School’s garden? Fast Buds’ Rhino Ryder. This shot was taken yesterday, Oct12, 26 days after transplant. Vegetative growth infrastructure of this plant is very impressive. And she’s already stinking just as she begins to show preflowers, which I am a bit surprised is this late. Having to look for the pistils to find them....


This veg cycle is different for me – instead of starting under HID lighting, I started growing this under one, then two of @BigSm0 ‘s 3500K COB’s. Shit, Brother, why did you let me buy two of these??? I need five. Need to add a couple or three of the 2900’s maybe. Gotta think about that, will let you know. Suffice to say, I like them!!!
For those of you not familiar, this plant is Fast Buds’ autoflowering version of Mr. Nice’s (Shantibaba & Howard Marks) Medicine Man. It originally was a Cannabis Cup winner as White Rhino before Mr. Nice fell out with Greenhouse Seeds and took his breeding stock for a restart, branded as Medicine Man. I grew her during my photoperiod heyday, and if Fast Buds’ version holds true to form of its parentals, the wife is gonna get wet.

More to follow, expecting great things from this nasty girl. Maybe I'll have time to do an actual grow thread on this one....
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.... Fast Buds' Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] went into soak last night. Will be dropping that into a rapid rooter plug later today. Mmmmmm, Goooooood.
But the winters are cold in the NorthWoods.
stunning example :worship: my fav Dinafem strain,grown much better than i could ever hope to :toke: colours,trich coverage,great harvest great growing :thumbsup:
top smoke report to:pass:

Thanks for the kind words, Pal. This one was fun. And by the way, your avatar... that's not my cup of tea...
It's Archie's :crying:
Okayyyyy, this thread keeps drifting back and forth between a Light Intensity theory-thing, and varied half-assed grow threads. Witness my Blue Cheese photo work just above this post. That one's done, and was such a pleasant outcome that I thought I should share it one last time with all of you. If you see anyone I missed, please tag them in for me.

This will be the final grow thread / smoke & yield / strain report for this plant, all wrapped up into one. Come colder weather when I can't get outdoors, I expect to return to my more regular ways on AFN. At least until next Spring, I'll probably go AWOL again … :cooldance::woohoo:
@Autotron @HemiSync @Nosias @MedCzech @fettled6 @912GreenSkell @Waira @bushmasterar15 @TheMongol @Need4Weed @archie gemmill @Dynodave @lunarman @ManOGreen @Eclectic Elle @Damien50 @Dinafem-Mark @BigSm0

Dinafem Blue Cheese Autoflowering

This was a single plant hydro grow in a 2’3” X 2’3” X 5’3” Mars Hydro tent. Vegetative lighting was supplied by a 250W Metal Halide HID bulb and CoolTube reflector coupled to a 4” 171CFM centrifugal fan. Bloom lighting was supplied by a Mars Hydro .Pro-II Cree-128 LED system which consumes 325 watts-at-wall, on a 20 / 4 light regimen. Bloom stage ventilation was provided by a 340CFM Vortex fan with speed controller throttled down to about 1/3 speed, coupled to a 24” X 6” Phresh carbon filter. (Editorial note – this is by far the QUIETEST fan / filter combo I have ever used, and odor control was 100% effective).

The hydro system is a 4 gallon Flo ‘n Gro container with my custom manifold connected to a 12 gallon reservoir, flooding every two hours, total (11) flood cycles per day. Nutrients are General Hydroponics Flora 3-part Expert Recirculating formula with my formula and strength tweaks and all additives. Water is RO filtered, with Cal-Mag and Armor-Si added to 400ppm before nutrients. All ppm references include the 400ppm’s of my base water; i.e. an 800ppm reference includes 400ppm starting water level with 400 ppm nutes added).

At the start of vegetative growth, light height started at 30“,dropped to 24”, 20” and finally 14” over the first four days. For the remaining duration of veg, light height was maintained at 14”.
During bloom, light height started at 24”. Over three weeks, the plant “grew to the light” and ended up at 16”. One week before harvest I raised the light slightly to 18”, and kept it there through harvest.

Nutrient strength ran 750 to 950 ppm during veg through transition. Starting bloom nutes at 980ppm turned out to be too much, reduced to 800ppm during second week of early bloom. Mid bloom formulations were happy at 950ppm, while late bloom was happy around 1000ppm.

This plant did not want a lot of nutes. During early bloom at 900ppm, the leaves turned a too-dark deep, almost black emerald green – a classic precursor to nitrogen overload. The only way I could correct this was to dilute to 800ppm AFTER eliminating the Flora Grow base entirely. For the remainder of bloom to finish she relied upon the Flora Micro base and additives for all her nitrogen needs. The resulting formula was a bit like Lucas formula ratios but with full additives and strength adjustments to try and maintain a stable ppm. From mid bloom onward, it was a struggle to keep ppm’s below 1,000; they kept inching upward, even at 50% nute strength. And in Late Bloom, 33% strength also resulted in creeping-upward ppm’s. But, even though ppm’s tended to creep upward during the last half of bloom, the plant exhibited no signs of nute stress. Suffice to remember, if you grow this strain (you should!), it won’t need a lot of nutes but within reason will tolerate them if given.

Overall, I have been very impressed with this strain. From mid through late bloom the blueberry pheno started showing a beautiful deep blue to purple, and trichrome production was equal to any of the white strains I’ve grown before. Enough so that flash photography wasn’t permitted; it discolored the overall color balance with flash reflection. If you look back through this thread you’ll see the results, but in case you’re in a hurry, here’s a close-up taken on Sep16, five days before beginning harvest:


Height was also very manageable. The metal halide HID bulb did encourage some early stretch, enough to open the plant up nicely with LST training. Switching to LED lighting pretty much froze the stretch, with overall height staying around 16”. Horizontally, with training, she spread to 27” to fill the tent side-to-side.
This plant's structure is very robust; I have never seen a plant that could be trained out to grow so many top colas. After some diligent LST during late veg into early bloom, I counted over 50 top colas. Here's another shot from Sep16, five days before starting harvest. See what I mean?????:


The buds of my pheno exhibited a decidedly sativa dominant trait – slim, 3 to 5” long. Not rock hard but still pleasingly dense, mostly sativa texture with no wispiness or foxtailing. Leaf-to-bud ratio on the colas was good (70 grams of dried sugar leaf, curing for concentrates / edibles). It’s worth the effort to save your sugar trim as they are covered in trichromes. Even the fan leaf stems are covered in trichs & should be very good for topicals. Here’s a bud shot taken after harvest on Oct6, when the first top buds taken were starting their cure:


This pic shows a sampling of bud sizes. Not some of my best camera work, a bit out of focus, but WTF, I was high that day. But this should give you an idea of overall bud sizes:


All of the top buds developed a beautiful blueberry tint, but as the colas cured, they darkened and lost a bit of that beautiful color. But bag appeal remained decent – you can see the darkened buds in the cure jar pic below. Weight-to-volume tended to be average, and trichromes continued to sparkle after curing.
Yield is very good to excellent. About one week into cure, final yield stands at 293g / 10.4 oz. This one made me smile – not as much as BubbleGum or Kalashnikova, but still a pretty big smile:


I recommend not completely de-boning each cola before curing begins– these buds are not extremely dense and may tend to dry too much if de-boned. ; Not to mislead you, there is no wispiness in the buds of this strain, they are just more sativa-like so diameter and length are less than my typical indica donkey-dong buds.

Taste is amazing, one of the best ever even at this early stage where the cure is just beginning. The sweet blueberry taste comes through with every toke, and aroma is sweet with a slight hint of pine,and a strong hint of skunk comes out as the bud is prepared for consumption. I can’t wait to sample the cured version of this strain, predicting it will be off the chart.

The high is definitely sativa – very energetic, social, creative. Every now and then you feel like you’re floating away, and wonder if you remembered to tie your shoe laces to the coffee table. A bit psychedelic but no paranoia, totally manageable. After the initial rush subsides, it provides a very relaxing body buzz without the couch lock. Expect good things with intimate partners, reminds me of Cinderella-99 quite a bit, only with an even better taste.

Due to the buds-per-cubic-area density of the top buds, I did a sequential harvest with this plant. First all the top buds; a week later mid level buds, then another week later the bottom buds. And finishing time definitely shows the sativa influence. While the breeder calls this a 70 day strain from seedling to harvest, real world was significantly longer.
(Editorial note: I grow seedlings under a 23W CFL in a small bubble cloner, until I have a strong root system established and four nodes on the plant. This took twelve days. Maybe a bad habit on my part, but since I don’t need a tent or “real” lights for this germination phase, and it can be done in advance of and parallel to any previous harvest, I don’t count this time for any of my grows.)
From the seedling’s transplant to LED, to harvest of all top colas, took 73 days (or85 days if you want to count the seedling growth stage). After adding back a bit of Nitrogen to the nutes, I ran all mid level buds to day 80. And by day 87, all bottom buds were harvested. With the extra couple of weeks, bottom bud color and texture improved nicely. No blueberry color, but a nice green that does not look like regular old popcorn.
This one takes her time, but the enhanced yield is worth it.

The only negative I have for this strain is the ruderalis-induced leafiness. This bitch kept me working HARD through early and mid bloom trying to keep up with leaf pruning. Making matters worse, once the multitude of buds began to set, it was practically too thick to work in between each cola to remove fan leaves. Not just a little, but VERY difficult. I have never seen a plant with such vegetative denseness. Faeries could walk across that jungle. And once the top buds are harvested, the remaining bottom buds are still packed together with leaves that could not be trimmed earlier because you could not see their stems. The remaining buds are a bit more dense than traditional popcorn, but color will suffer if you don’t give them extra light time of sequential harvest. Restoring a bit of nitrogen to the diet definitely helps this. To-flush or not-to-flush? Another argument for not. Or, the bottom buds would be good candidates for some concentrates & edibles. But after a full dry and beginning cure, even the lower buds have good taste & high. I expect smoke quality will continue to improve as the cure progresses.

In closing, this is an excellent strain that yields very well, tastes amazing and provides a very pleasing uplifting high. It is not hard to grow if you manage your nutes lightly and back off the nitrogen, but if you miss the mark and go a bit high, she seems to tolerate that with no stress. Just expect to spend an inordinate amount of time with leaf pruning regardless of your nutrient regimen.
That was one hell of a post OSP. :slap: Some excellent information, but you had to be smoking a bunch of that cheese. :crying:

