Effects of Light Intensity on Plant Growth

Greetings, AFN members, OSP here. I’m a new AFN member moving in from another forum. After sneaking around a number of threads here looking for secret information, I’ve decided to start this thread. I want to evaluate the effects of light intensity on plant growth. More specifically, how lighting can be used to encourage or minimize plant stretch.
In the short time I’ve been a member here I’ve met a number of very knowledgeable growers, and I’m inviting each of you to participate or chime in as you see fit. Since I am new to AFN I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of interested parties. If you are reading this feel free to tag in anyone I’ve missed:
@fettled6 @912GreenSkell @bushmasterar15 @Waira @MedGrower @Son of Hobbes @Nosias @Screwauger @HemiSync @ChroToker @Need4Weed

I've grown photoperiods since forever under High Intensity Discharge (HID) lighting, and stretch has always been a thing to plan for. Several years ago I decided to experiment with an autoflower freebie, and since then I've completed (12) single-plant autoflower grows. To the point that I'm not doing photoperiods anymore. Maybe again one day. I have a Colombian Gold freebie that has brought back memories, but not today.
In the process of migrating from photoperiods to autoflowers, I also began a transition from HID to LED lighting. Over this period I began to see a pattern. With every one of my HID grows, all my autoflowers exhibited healthy stretch. It started quicker than photoperiods, but the overall effect was similar. Low Stress Training (LST) was effective, bud quality was very good and yield was very good to excellent. But with my LED grows, absolutely NONE of my autoflowers stretched. I had complete grows that never exceeded 10” in height.But with LED I can’t help but think much more is possible. Over 44+ years of growing I’ve seen well trained plants out-yield plants with no training every time. So I want the ability to encourage stretch in my plants.
For the sake of other AFN members, I believe the inverse of this stretch phenomena could be very beneficial to growers with a limited amount of grow space headroom. I want to prove or disprove, to some relative degree of certainty, that light intensity can be used to influence stretch when growing cannabis. But first I need to gather data on other growers’ experiences with plant stretch, and its association to light intensity during the plant’s lifecycle.

This is NOT an opinion piece of “is LED better than HID?” LED is certainly different, and in many respects (heat &efficiency) we all know it IS better. And this is NOT an attempt to compare LED lighting brands. There are numerous characteristics of LED lighting that determine light quality, and our most excellent site admin, @Son of Hobbes has started a thread on what parameters can be used to define those. His efforts may be reviewed here: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/what-should-be-on-a-grow-light-review.64857/ I’ve added a few well chosen thoughts on that topic - PAR watts, efficiency, most favored color spectrum, etc.. But I’m not smart enough to make that final differentiation so I’m happy to watch as SOH finishes that. The only facts I intend to present here are those I’ve experienced with my auto grows.

There are a number of other factors besides lighting that affect plant growth. In an effort to keep this thread focused on light intensity with no outside variables, I asked one of AFN’s most experienced members, MedGrower, for his input. His comments, and my follow up confirming those variables were addressed, can be found in his grow thread located at https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-dwc-hs1-telos-0008.64718/page-2#post-1758834
In consideration to MedGrower, if you have any comments / questions, send them to me or post here. I don’t want to trash his grow thread with my conspiracy theory so I’m asking each of you to please share that consideration with me.

For the sake of this study I’d like to focus on the two main lighting factors that control intensity - light height throughout the grow cycle, and “power” of the light over the grow canopy; i.e. watts per sq.ft.. Light height is an easy factor to define as long as we document the variation during a plant’s growth cycle. Plant canopy area is an easy measure. Power consumption is an easy measure. I know, watts per sq.ft. is not the most meaningful measure of an LED’s efficiency. But until or if we ever reach consensus of an industry standard measure for all lighting types, I am using watts consumed at the wall, per square foot. No matter how much we insist this is not the best method (I agree), wattage consumed per square foot is the only readily available factor across all lighting types. And no matter how much we agree to disagree, it should provide a reasonable enough classification of small / medium / large lighting to support this study.

My light ratings are 62.5W/sq.ft. for HID and 65W.sq.ft. for LED. As to other influences on plant stretch, my grow techniques with HID and LED are as close to identical as one can get for environmental control and nutrient regimen. So enough intro, let’s kick this in the ass as I describe my experiences with autoflowers to date.

My starting system for HID is a 250W cooltube and batwing reflector with a metal halide bulb for veg and a high pressure sodium for bloom. The tent is a 4 sq. ft. system (2' X 2' X 5’3") by Secret Jardin. I configured it with (2) 4” 170CFM centrifugal fans, one for light cooling and the other for odor control through a 12” X 4” Phresh carbon filter). My nutrient regimen is General Hydroponics’ expert recirculating formula with some strength and slight ingredient tweaks. This regimen has not changed between HID and LED grows.
I grow hydroponically, and my system is configured for a single plant in a DIY 4 gallon Ebb ‘n Gro net pot with hydroton clay pebbles. The system floods automatically every two hours for 15 minutes. I call this DIY because I do not rely upon the complex valves and fittings normally associated with commercially available ebb and grow systems. Those systems rely upon multiple pumps, flow control valves and timers opening and closing with each flood cycle to deliver and recover nutrients to/from the plant. A strength of these commercial systems is they enable the reservoir to sit at the same height as the grow containers. Negatives are they are complex and expensive. My system relies upon a passive DIY manifold sitting on top of the reservoir, and the only moving part is an inexpensive and very reliable 170 gph hydro pump. Total ebb n’grow component cost with four net pot buckets was under $100. I bought four net pot buckets to simplify plant positioning changes throughout my grows, and to run parallel grows in separate tents. My DIY manifold does raise system height by the height of the reservoir, but the entire reservoir, tent and plant container system comes in under 7’ tall. It’s a quality system with all the right parts, and it fits in a closet if it has to (mine doesn’t).

I’m going to drift off topic for a moment as I’ve been known to do. I’ve used all types of hydro systems for many years and this is my favorite. It re-oxygenates the root zone after each flood every two hours. Supply to the net pot is positive pressure flow, while draining is passive / gravity, so aggressive root growth is pushed back into the net pot and will never cause a clog in the system’s hydro line. And even if a clog were to somehow mysteriously occur, overflow is not possible due to the design of the manifold. The system is fully automated - I recently took an eight day trip with no worries that the system would stay fully functional until I returned, and it did. A separate reservoir (I use 12 to 14 gallons) from the grow container makes nutrient changes and maintenance simple, and the added capacity gives me plenty of “headroom” in the nutrient mix as the plant drinks.
Here’s a pic of the original HID tent. The manifold is the white bucket to the left outside the tent. The ebb ‘n Gro bucket is slightly out of position on the shelf behind the tent:

@BigSm0 thanks for the input, much appreciated. I understand all the other parameters that go into stellar grows & truly feel I have those nailed. Consistent 8 to almost-12 oz yields off single-plant auto grows attest to that. Even the "fails" I have, by most growers' standards, are very good at 4+oz. yields, again off single-plant grows. But I've done better & want to return to consistently hitting 8 - to - 12 oz yields for each round, and there are others who even beat that. I can't do that with my current lights and grow methods. So I have to get over "what I know" & figure out what I don't know. I'll be dropping an order to you early this week.

I don't want to change too many things at once, but I am interested in this new nutrient line you've spoken about. If you can post particulars of where to get it I think I'll work that into my schedule for this year. Maybe grow with current nutes under your new COB's and new nutes under my old lighting systems. Change only one thing at a time that way.

Thanks again, You're a good Man to have on this Forum.
@BigSm0 thanks for the input, much appreciated. I understand all the other parameters that go into stellar grows & truly feel I have those nailed. Consistent 8 to almost-12 oz yields off single-plant auto grows attest to that. Even the "fails" I have, by most growers' standards, are very good at 4+oz. yields, again off single-plant grows. But I've done better & want to return to consistently hitting 8 - to - 12 oz yields for each round, and there are others who even beat that. I can't do that with my current lights and grow methods. So I have to get over "what I know" & figure out what I don't know. I'll be dropping an order to you early this week.

I don't want to change too many things at once, but I am interested in this new nutrient line you've spoken about. If you can post particulars of where to get it I think I'll work that into my schedule for this year. Maybe grow with current nutes under your new COB's and new nutes under my old lighting systems. Change only one thing at a time that way.

Thanks again, You're a good Man to have on this Forum.

What a relief. I can tell by your text we are a lot a like. Makes perfect sense to slowly change things instead of all at once. I also wasn’t sure how advanced you were but it does seem like you are doing very well. The lights should make a noticeable improvement. The nutrients are almost to good to pass up. Greenleaf nutrients sells megacrop which is basically a one part line- not really a line after all. If you are buying lights id hold off on picking anything up. In the box will be a code for a nice sized sample for you.
Cool, appreciate the follow up. I'm moderately experienced, this is the 44th year since my first outdoor grow & indoors pure hydro since 2002. Done a little bit of it all. But I refuse to ever think I know it all; that's what I meant when I said I "... have to get over "what I know" & figure out what I don't know." Got to keep learning.
I'll drop you a PM when I place the order just so you know it's me.
I don't know but my cobs do make me feel like I have a little chunks of the sun to play with. And using the mega with them, Im so happy with my results so far that it's hard to tell where my auto skills actually stand, I know I've learned from the ones ran so far but having these two items and my past photo experience I feel on top of my growing game, and my freezer full of ice cream and Reese's peanut butter items seem to be getting hit harder than usual.
I don't know but my cobs do make me feel like I have a little chunks of the sun to play with. And using the mega with them, Im so happy with my results so far that it's hard to tell where my auto skills actually stand, I know I've learned from the ones ran so far but having these two items and my past photo experience I feel on top of my growing game, and my freezer full of ice cream and Reese's peanut butter items seem to be getting hit harder than usual.

Hey midIN, just ordered mine & looking forward to another grow to see if this adds any more knowledge to my search for plant stretch answers. I'm going to give the mega a chance as well, but that will be separate from the next COB grow. Got to look at ingredients / source of each nute & look at micronutrient contents as well. Excited to try something new!

Freezer full of ice cream????? I'm filling mine with smoked pork & brisket, but I did just try a grilled salmon recipe that's off the chart. Going to keep up with that one every week & make my Dr. happy :muahaha:
Hey midIN, just ordered mine & looking forward to another grow to see if this adds any more knowledge to my search for plant stretch answers. I'm going to give the mega a chance as well, but that will be separate from the next COB grow. Got to look at ingredients / source of each nute & look at micronutrient contents as well. Excited to try something new!

Freezer full of ice cream????? I'm filling mine with smoked pork & brisket, but I did just try a grilled salmon recipe that's off the chart. Going to keep up with that one every week & make my Dr. happy :muahaha:
Glad to hear that. I love my deep freezers I pack them full, got one for pig one for beef, got a wte one and a ice cream only only in the shop. U will love the mega and cobs together, its got me in growing frenzy, gonna max out my sodk with 4-5g mega in a 2gal bag and try to vine her along the back side of my tent on bamboo stakes I have stretched across it, hopefully she makes a wall of buds in the backdrop.
Continuing my update on TH Seeds' Auto Original BubbleGum. Today is day 49 (of 79 to 84 est.) and she's putting on weight by the day. Some of the pistils are starting to die off, so I took a look at trich's today. They are still all clear, so another 3-4 weeks? Wouldn't surprise me if this one finishes a bit earlier. Light is still hanging at 20", tent temps stable between 68 - 78F, reservoir temps stable in high 60's. Nute regimen stable at mid-bloom [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], 50% strength, 1030 - 1050ppm.
Since I throttled down my centrifugal fan to 31watts (of 71 max-draw) and started running it 24X7, odor has been non-existent. Before I throttled, one hour after lights out / fan-off the whole downstairs was beginning to reek. When I open the tent now, the aroma is changing a bit from tropical to a hint of rotten fruit, with maybe a touch of skunk. Still some sweetness but now with some whang to it (WTF is whang … I know, do you??? :shrug:).

I took this pic today, just after lights-out. I LST my girls for an even canopy, so if I shoot the pic from level you can't see between her legs where all the good stuff is, and scale is not readily apparent. This angle is from above, about 45 degrees looking down, so length is a bit distorted. For scale, the water bottle lodged between the two back buds is a standard 16.9oz / 500mL bottle, 8" in length, and the bud is longer than the bottle. The bud to the right of the bottle is the largest secondary. The original primary cola (front, just right of center) is about 4" longer and even larger in diameter. Even the lowest secondary buds, where you would normally expect popcorn, are as big as tangerines & rock solid. I'm beginning to be impressed, if I do say so myself.

Let's see what the next 3 - 4 weeks bring. But so far, veg & transition under HID and bloom under LED settling @ 20" is doing its job. I got the stretch I needed to open her up, and all the inter-node colas have filled in to their full potential. I should have enough sugar leaves for some ISO Hash or ointment, but I don't think I'll have ANY popcorn from this hottie.

Oh... on the light intensity theory. I ordered two 3500K COB's from BigSm0, they should be delivered next week, but that will be a fall project when I don't have so much fun stuff to do outdoors & I can run two tents. Hiawatha National Forest is calling with tons of smallmouth and unfettered wilderness camping with a REAL Kelty tent instead of a fake-tent grow-tent. But until Fall gets here, I'm continuing to think. I've been fooled before, but based upon other growers' experiences I'm expecting good stretch from the COB's.
Lower intensity, yes. Better spectrum? Probably. But which of these parameters will restore the stretch I ALWAYS see from my HID grows?

Another thought to continue the spectrum Vs intensity research is to disable some of the drivers in my MARS Pro-II -128. For a self-enclosed "system" style, this is a decent light - see pic below. It uses four banks of lights, each bank holding (8) mini-reflectors and each mini-reflector containing (4) five-watt Cree LED's, driven at approx. 50% to pull 325W at wall. The reflectors are open mesh so the cooling fan draw keeps heat well managed for no premature LED failure. Reflectors are at a 100 degree angle, and spectrums are rated at 440nm, 630nm,660nm. Configured with veg-only and veg+bloom lighting modes.
I don't know how many LED's of each rating are used, but final spectrum is claimed to be 2700k-3000k. So yes, it's a decent light and
I would not hesitate to recommend it to any grower with limited headroom who could not tolerate stretch. But in case you haven't noticed yet, I WANT STRETCH. And 2700-3000K is so close to my HID ratings (2900K) that I get REALLY confused why my plants wont stretch. Is the spectrum rating wrong? The light is pink / purple when viewed with the naked eye so I know it's not a real full spectrum / white light. Could be an incorrect rating?
WTF ...

But back to reasoning this out. My thought is that if I disable two of the four banks of LED's (probably disable the two center banks & run the outer / angled ones), then light intensity will be reduced by half. THEN by raising the light higher, I can use the squared / distance rule for further reduction to see if that will induce stretch.

I don't want to trash the light, I've only used it for a couple of grows and it wasn't cheap ($420USD). So if anyone has the experience to talk me through how to disable two banks of lights, I'd appreciate it. I have basic electrical skills but am NOT a lighting engineer. Maybe it's a simple as disconnecting a power supply? Haven't looked yet and don't really want to tear into the housing until I get some good advice.

So the light intensity / drifting toward spectrum topic continues. Like my boss told me once when I was grumbling about how unrealistic what he asked for really was -
"Just because it's hard doesn't mean we won't do it."
And then something about ".... sucks to be you" as he was rolling on the floor.

So here's the bounty:
Answers - I'll give you a dollar.
Correct answers - five dollars.
Dumb looks - those are free. Plus you get a kick in the nuts. I'm an old retired fooker so I can be as grouchy as I want.
Hey mate,

Thought I'd pop by with some data!

This is from my 2lt bottle fun grow but as the bottle is a mini version of my usual hydro grow, results should be comparable when I report on a different light source or variation to the parameters, might help nail down further areas of exploration (more on that at the tail end of this post)

Ok, so;

Zamnesia Auto "Critical" day 14.
Squirtponics, clayballs (done this 100's of times)

110w t5 ''starlight" (type) 6100k
10"/250mm from seedling
Lux reading 250,000
GH FloraNova Bloom + mammoth P
EC @ 0.4
Rez temp @ 20c
20c/50RH (colder than usual)
24/0 light cycle
pH is 6.5 (a bit higher than usual)

Plant is displaying text book growth and structure from my experience using this starter light and my usual routine, slightly slower start than soil or Coco but then much vigour! Tight node spacings and familiar timing of development.

I have had seedlings of 4 or 5 days old under 600w MH and seen the dreaded seedling stretch and suspect that may be intensity promoting stretch as opposed to the plant needing to increace surface area for the same amount of energy absorbtion.. if you follow.

I'll follow up with data on my next germ in a week or so and when I fire my bigger lamps!

If the data is useful cool! If not then disregard lol

I've got 600w MH/HPS and 860w CMH to ponder over and probably some new cobs soon! I also need to know how to keep that beloved controllable stretch!


@fettled6 thanks for the update, pic's welcomed as well when you get time. I've had good luck with veg under T-5 as well; only reason I abandoned them was the form factor; 4' length did not fit in my veg area.
Could you elaborate on the comment "...slightly slower start than soil or Coco but then much vigour!" Does that mean they are slow to start but then zoom ahead like crazy?
I grow exclusively in clay pebbles, and one of the things I REALLY like is the speed at which my plants would stretch during veg under HID lighting. I've had plants hit 16" tall in two weeks, which is super trainable. My node spacing has been several inches, which I actually like. As the plant transitions from veg to bloom, the internodal spacings grow together and I end up with massive buds that really pack on the weight. Witness past pic's on this thread of my latest BubbleGum grow. She started lanky but as transition moved into full bloom she has filled in beautifully. I'm hoping for 9-10+ oz off this girl when she is harvested, which, incidentally, appears to be way ahead of schedule of any past grows of this strain. Today the trich's are mostly cloudy and showing a few ambers, and it's only day 53. This strain normally runs 70+ days.
Shit... wait... that's only 17 days away, duhhhhhh. Maybe she is on target.
Seedling stretch under metal halide? Hmmm, can't say I have, but then I always keep my seedlings under CFL at 2" above the plant until a strong root formation is set and plants are at least three nodes high. Once I do this and drop them in the hydroton under the "big" light, they just take off!!! But point being, CFL and HO fluorescent has always worked great for me and you. I have no reason to change that.
Looking forward to seeing what that big CMH does for you, keep me clued in.
Got my two 3500K COB's from BigSm0 yesterday. I'll be hanging and starting them this fall when it starts getting too cold to spend most of my time outdoors. We'll see; that one will deserve a grow thread for sure.
OK, off for errands, check you later.

