Outdoor easy ryder out door....NEEED HELP PLEASE



hi there i am i first time auto grower i have done indoor soil set ups with 25 1000whps lights so im not new to growing but i am new to out door and autos...im live in the USA in California i've grown purple kush and platinum bubu kusi am planing on use the flora line from advance nute thies are my nute set up....flora nova,flora bloom,floramicro,carbo load,big bud,bud blaster,snow storm from humblut count...any suggestion please help idk what to do with autoz
Welcome to the site
With auto's you should always start with 1/4 of the recommended dosage and move your way up.
Auto's work different than photos. They do not require 12/12 to start flowering. They will flower under any light regime and flowering is based on age. Generally they will sex within the first few 3-5 weeks then go into flower mode
With auto's you can get a few harvests in before your photos even finish
Wait a bit and you'll have more knowledgeable members help you out.

Good luck
Hey there and welcome to the site. Taking on first time Auto and Outdoor eh? It'll be a task, but we can help. We have a ton of info on outdoor grows and we specialize in Autoflowering Canna...obviously :D

Take a look around and good luck.
thank you for the support i have been looking around and there is alot of info i was woundering if there is a real good nute line for autos from my understanding autos dont take very well to nute used for phots???
I grow outdoors in Cali... Number one rule so far is no touching the plants! No tapping the seedling no LST and deffinetaly do not top the plants; low stress is fine with photo plants but not with auto. They have a limited life cycle and you want them to grow big while they can. Good luck bro:bong:
No you can use the same nutrients, just smaller quantities. Start them in seed starter mix or something with very low nutes like Promix, Sunshine mix or FoxFarm Light Warrior. Then after two weeks start at 1/4 strength of what is recommended for photos. Then you can slowly work your way up to half or so. Some can eventually take full doses and some cannot.

Many use FoxFarm Trio nutes with good results. I like General Organic nutes, but that's what I use. Advanced Nutrients makes some reallllly good stuuf but it's more expensive. Growers here that use it, say it's worth it.
As far as nutrients... Shorter vegetative state= Nitrogen rich fertilizer
Autos don't veg as long as photos... Nitrogen is the main nutrient required for increasing the growth of any plant... So feed them Nitrogen compounds for a shorter amount of time than you would a photoperiod plant. Follow? I'm on my phone... Tiny keyboard makes it hard to type
im using ocean forest mix from fox farm and seen a post for a fox farm trio recipe but i don't know what to use to me money isn't a issue i want quality.....urban ninja where in cali you located? and whenz the bezt time to put them out side and do recomend putting them in ground or keep in 3gallon potz???