Old Reviews Dyanvap - All Things Dynavap

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
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yo arse
This thread is for "All Things Dynavap", so whether it be the original Vap cap, Vongs, M Series, Omni's, Dyna Coils, Stainless Steel, Titanium or third party additions, please share your knowledge with us here.:d5:

Handy hints and tips,Advice on cleaning,Care of wooden Vong bodies, New ways of using your Dynavap, Water tools, Stainless Steel vs Titanium and when it is best to use them and of course news on the latest innovations & releases.:cheers:

There may be also some DIY posts too but in "no way" is this a thread solely on the how's and why's of building DIY devices, it would just be a sideline for people who want to share what they have made. I would encourage clear and concise descriptions of any builds, so all members can follow along and share their knowledge amicably.:pighug:

I have Edited this thread, so as not to cause confusion about it's subject matter & contents due to some previous misunderstandings.
I'm sure we can all play nicely together as AFN'ers generally do and share the love which we all have come to know as the AFN vibe (any one not sharing the AFN vibe, will have their post reported to the Staff)!:vibe:

With that said I would like to share my latest purchase with you!

It is an Induction heater for Dynavap. It uses electromagnetic induction to heat the vap cap of Dynavaps.

Here is what the seller said on the sale page on ebay -
"The "Desktop Racer" was built by Elektronik Schmiede.
Some story is already attached to this Heater. He is the first model of its kind and went on the road with George from Dynavap in Amsterdam.
So could be a collector's item."

Elektronik Schmiede is the man behind "Mag Heater" an online website selling "Induction Heaters" for use with Dynavaps, He has built mains powered units, battery powered units and even waterproof units. Each new build, he pushes forward his design skills and improves the units. Currently there is a waiting list as his units are proving very popular.

I first found out about "Induction heaters from a "Portal" buddy and he told me that induction heating had changed the game when it came to vaping with Dynavaps.

So there you have it, my first induction heater is on the way and when it arrives I'll be sure to let you know my thoughts on it as so far I have never tried and Induction heater for vaping with my Dynavaps.

You may be wondering which Dynavaps I have
I currently have two but I also have an original "Vap Cap" on the way!
The first is the Dynavap M 2018 model and the second is the Titanium Omni XL.


This is the M 2018


This is the Titanium Omni XL (which is longer than the normal Omni)


This is the glass Vap Cap. the first Dynavap vaporizer that started the ball rolling.:headbang:

There is lots more to come,in future posts!:woohoo1:
I'll be adding posts as and when I find a minute, in the meantime pleases add your :2cents: and share the love!:bighug:

Peace to all and keep wiggling the vibe :vibe:

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Salutations Arty Zan,

...Dynavap have come a long way since their first glass flame powered vaporizer.

Indeed, it has evolved, and i wish to offer some input relative to its energy budget, which in turn shall affect autonomy and even portability. It happens my previous proposal to reduce its equivalent susceptor mass to about 0.75 g didn't generate much echo elsewhere:


...perhaps this remodeled version looks more compatible:


Limit metal to the VapCap spiral path and fit SiC Foam inside to implement something i compare to a thermal "catapult" or "slingshot": its temporarily-stored Heat Charge would build up slowly (via radiative & conductive vectors) and then it's ready to get suddenly displaced into some cannabic bowl only a few mm away...

The consumption method and ritual are those of a Pulse Heating mode where "Attack" and "Decay" periods should be minimized, otherwise it may seem like stretching that heat "bubble" results in lesser Aroma/Taste Appreciation.

Using additional creative imagination it's perfectly reasonable to contemplate the implementation of an All-Glass IH-driven Radiative/Convective Heat Convertor, since Silicon Carbide remains totally inert even when exposed to extreme (torching!) temperatures anyway - just think coaxial past the internal DV VC spiral...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Salutations Arty Zan,

I am looking into a few DIY projects... ... I have also seen "Dental Induction Heaters"... ...but I need to look into this a bit more!

Judging from what transpired elsewhere these 3rd-party IH-drivers often appeared to fail as if their relay contacts got damaged from exposure to a potential overload situation. That's one main reason why it would sound like some excellent idea to trim "susceptor" mass down to 0.75 g: that's what i use every day and my tokes lack no beneficial qualities.

One main problem which refrains my motivation to engage the Induction Heat arena myself is just too simple really: that's still Hot Dry Air alone. Which my DynaCapsule suggestion is meant to solve too (once again!), though adapted to one of those following forms perhaps:



But the thing is i already spent a couple thousand dollars over 6 years of dedicated VG modding simply in order to find my own customized solution, after a rather long reflexion which established that somehow i require Inlet Water as that emanating from a blue flame's corona, always systematically avoiding Thermalization/Ovenization static scenarios if i can help it, in favour of "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation". A very rare feature explaining why i much prefer dynamic ways now.


In any case, i find necessary to account for the most basic fact that such ready-made devices are specified to operated within a given range of acceptable loading. Hence cut the DV VC helix down in size & mass then make sure the rest is made of non-magnetic material.

Another option would be to aim for 300 ~ 500 Watts output though i'm still not too confident it would provide access to "Micro-Bursting" as i can experience routinely.

...it goes above my head, as I don't have the knowledge to make it workable in my mind.

Who needs to master in chemistry and thermo-dynamics simply to light up a match?? :2cents:


There's no work left to be done except to implement a prototype and it's your lucky day as it turns out very little knowledge/skills were actually required to solve this difficult problem! Only determination mixed with patient observation, etc. All that matters to me is that i have a working proof-of-concept at your disposal.


If you know what's what, then have at it brother...

M'well thanks dude, but i've just offered to spare yourself the aggravation of adjusting a "Bi-Energy" Hybrid Core where the internal diameter is a bit less than 14 mm, plus a wall layer. That should be close enough i think, core thickness ratios have been defined for the reader's own future convenience!

Ah, there it is:


This is my Brass Wrap and it assumes a double function of mechanical support + partial bowl "shielding" (from radiative heat).

Here's how to cut an SiC Foam pellet or similar "Health Stone":


And those are my "magic" numbers, contributed FOR FREE...


If we can assume that foam's porosity is a proper match then i recommend thicknesses near these values for a path of compatible cross-section diameter precisely. Additional work may need to be performed in order to stick to my initial model serving as a common frame of various factors...

...you will make a small fortune...

My dear, i was talking vaporism, i leave the rest to you. In all fairness and honesty i believe i've done quite my fair share already! Not to mention my opportunity window has passed a couple years ago and i don't have the lungs to endure such solitary task ever again.

...if you can produce a nice unit with variable heat control and shut off when that temp has been reached...

That's where this present dialog seems broken IMO. Would you still want to use this formulation if only you could hold an adapted LAVA-based prototyping platform in your own hands?

Yet its founding principle looks like this for the main part:


It's about evaluation of the temporarily-stored Heat Charge as a function of core temperature and mass, essentially. Anyway my previous DynaVapsule already suggested an alternative avenue to output control via a most creative (totally brain-dead...) solution involving ZERO stuff imported from NASA: e.g. a valve between 2 fixed heat sources. But forget temperature here, in absence of thermalization we'd better talk joules instead!

...basic 5 heat settings selection would be nice or variable...

As i actually explained, analog continuous variability requires no custom-designed IH-driver using 2 heat sources powered by different Curie-effect alloys in a Near-Symetrical Capsule context, not to mention that's some rare opportunity to promote driver/wand interfacing universality, if not leave the door open to future standardization!

Lets plain admit i'd have little envy for special designs except to support haptic/audible User Interfacing with ZERO keyboard/display, ultra-sonic strirring to allow even shorter pulses, self-cleaning capsules doubling as post vaporizers to get thinner microscopic suspended particles, and/or 1-hand operation by visually-impared persons, naturally... If at least present offers included "Gate Drivers", which they still lack if i'm not mistaking!


At that rate i'd fear i'll get my self-conditioned IH-driven LAVAWand (and dual-core Capsule) when we all travel to the moon in flying saucers.

...so you can set you own exact temp!

This is the point we don't agree on i think. Temperature only reflects energy accumulated in my Hybrid Core, which degrades into multiple vectors known as conductive, radiative and convective. Don't require thermodynamic interpretations as to how these interact on top of dispersion delays, etc., as it changes nothing to the end goal which in my case is to match a "Packetized" Heat Charge (that was generated as a function of Curie point and mass, ideally), euh... to its associated cannabic WorkLoad and more specifically only tiny features of its contact-surfaces. E.G. thermalization leading to equalized temperature is my enemy. Pulse-heating appears to work best when there's next to no time left for heat to disperse evenly. Instead the intent is to generate a brief/potent energy pulse of infinite virtual magnitude within the range of application... In other words a main Heat Charge of finite predictable value supplying its energy at a rate exceeding the capacity of physical matter to interact with it. In analogy simply remind yourself how we used to extinguish candles, without special protection for our thumb and index...


And since each Hybrid Core can be tweaked by varying thickness ratios then this strongly suggests a very sturdy/reliable method to provide sufficiently precise output control that avoids combustion and even "baking" WITHOUT any requirement to close some tricky regulation loop using a temperature sensor which only reflects an event of the past, etc... In comparison self-regulating Curie alloys have been demonstrated to control internal temperature thermostatically a couple decades ago; i even own a frying pan based on this same idea (in absence of such monster Heat-Exchanger)!



On top of it i'm sure there's stainless steel experiments which could prove most educative nonetheless.

...there are a lot of good ideas there!

Indeed, like the "Flameless" Dragon Lighters. :cool1:

People are looking for portable units...

Then match your Heat Charge to its intended WorkLoad in Pulse-Heating mode. Power "Micro-Bursting" works best in terms of Aroma/Taste Appreciation if the "Attack" and "Decay" periods associated to such energy "burst" happen to be reduced to their lowest possible value. Based on clean-butane fueled observations transposed to the IH-driven part of my LAVA concept.

...possibly with 18650 batteries... ...USB... ... ...both battery and mains power.

Where's the challenge?? It's already been done before...


...just not yet!! :rolleyes2:




Thanks for the kind motivating words, don't hold your breath until the day when i can access inclusive IH-driven setups integrating Inlet Water AHEAD of some Heat Convertor directly juxtaposed to its bowl, for minimized distance, etc., etc. My daily driver never accounted for my own personal situation this suitably while IH adventures appear to remain off-limits, hence i plan to enjoy what's been gained instead of contemplating yet another walk in the desert.

My sincere apologies to those who thought it all sounded annoying.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Somehow i read direct personal insults in disguise and still ZERO "On-Topic" content. No wonder! Feels like "Déjà Vu"!


It seems to me we both know tango, or shoot the messenger... Quite frankly this continued diversion intended to refocus a topic on 1 specific posting member, instead of the announced subject, kind of feels boring all the sudden; if not openly defiant and even hostile i presume - since i couldn't but notice how much care got effectively devoted to actually forge some FC-imported character, most certainly meant to be symbolically sacrificed at a later time of this monologue, when your friends are ready to pull the strings, etc...

In clear we can all read a semi-subliminal message saying: dismiss Egzoset.


Anything you wish, my master!


Still ZERO echos on ideas as basic as an "Energy Budget", because if it's supposed to become portable then decent rational planning must be performed 1st. Which translates as very elementary questions in the trivial style of, how much:

IH-driver Power Output (Watts)??
Heat Convertor Heat Charge (Joules)??
Heat Convertor Ceiling Temperature (°C)??
Susceptor Mass (g)??
Workload mass (g) ??
IH-driving Pulse Duration (seconds)??

Yet, although it's now obvious you never felt receptive (nor listened) while still ignoring previous replies (answering to previous objections, euh...), only to repeat the same failed assertions again and again. My bad, the title never announced "Expert advice on all things Egzoset", but you could have asked me while i was still willing to stay around!


Back on topic, use a 3rd-party ready-made IH-driver and don't blow hot air after brute-force blowing an IH-driver using an oversized workload. Even a child should understand the concept of limited capacity, but there's quite a lot of typical You, you, you... Me, me, me... Which i knew would be coming, to be honest. But so soon?? On the defensive? Why?? Show us some clue!


Oh well, never mind. :nono: You people seem to be drawning and yet won't accept a solid helping rope! :help: Because that would come from Egzoset legacies, plain & simple.

Anyway i already wrote what i had to, please don't get so excited only because i posted pre-emptive reflexions to the attention of future readers. When they're prepared to listen in their own convenient time.

As for the balance of Blah! Blah! Blah! ... Blah! Blah! Blah! ... It was all too clear even previously, at 1st contact, that Egzoset wasn't welcome in the vincinity. Consequently no character assassination was really necessary, you could have asked and i wouldn't have returned.

So, i announce from now on there won't be any further Egzoset interventions in this present thread that was normally dedicated to IH-driven vaporism, performed around an overweight DV VC susceptor!...

There. Now i hope this was to the measure of your attitude and yet polite enough to feel civilized, considering where the agressivity came from.

Hence good day, have fun perpetuating errors of the past, pretending to pioneer the future!! :peace:
M'well i didn't read past my alias, which is a hint confirming my intuition that you'd want your Nth revenge (...), dear FuckCombustion importer, so here i am and the 1st/last thing to notice is that this alias of mine appears to be defining the center of *YOUR* obcessional universe almost "spontaneously" (...), synonymous of mediocrity once again. So i'll just skip the rest as i know better ways to spend time, especially for a hobby i don't get paid for.

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That is a sweet looking desktop IH. I would like one for home use and portable when out of the house.

Hi bush and thanks for dropping by!
There are a couple of routes you can go if you are in therested in Induction Heaters (IH).

The first I shall mention is a guy called "Pipes" on FC (Fuck Combustion Forums) He builds to order and has a waiting list. You put your name on a list and when a unit is available, you are contacted and given instruction where to send payment. I'm not sure which model/models he is currently building but you can find out in his thread. He is the builder and designer of the portside mini!
Scrub what I said I think his latest IH is called "The Cauldron" no pics as yet.
Pipes FAQ page go to the bottom and ordering instruction will be there at the bottom of the page- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_202eBzWeF7rkTjqV5sWumPxtbSNtfjqOZEs1i9d16k/edit

Then there is "Mag Heater" owned by Elektronik Schmiede, who designs and builds his units. He has many youtube videos and is constantly designing new models.
Once again there is a waiting list, so instant gratification is once more out of reach but his units look V nice!
This is the same company who build the "Desktop Racer" IH, which I have bought.

Mag Heater Professional (waterproof IH)

Next is Lucid Customs, now I believe there is around a 3 week wait but that is not too bad as time goes.
There are a number of different Induction Heaters to choose from and there is also customisation available as well.
I have recently ordered the Mini Induction Heater, build it yourself kit, knowledge of soldering is a must if you choose this option
The Solder it yourself kit is $120 and the ready built version is $175, so a few bucks can be saved if you build it!

Mini Induction Heater

Next is Fluxer Heaters
Another company currently taking sign up.
You can follow progress here - http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/fluxerheaters-com-new-induction-heaters-for-dynavap.33573/
sign up here - mailto:fluxerheaters@gmail.com
Website here - https://fluxerheaters.com/

Flux Delux

Then there is "Dental Induction Heaters" by far the most popular is the "SJK Technic"
The picture below is showing the "SJK Technic" but it also has a mod sold by DDave Mods, which holds your dynavap in place.
If you want to buy the "Mod" Head on over to - https://www.ddavemods.com/store/p73/The_IH_(Induction_Heater)_Hands-Free_Mod.html

For a SJK Dental induction Heater have a look at Amazon or Ebay there are plenty advertised. It is cheaper to order from China but quicker and more expensive to order in your own country from a reseller.
Dental Induction Heaters are used to keep wax liquid or to heat cutting tools for dentures etc.

I did however find a temp controlled Dental Induction Heater, whilst not the cheapest, it was the only adjustable one I could find. Maybe another can be found but I don't have tihe time to trawl through Chinese sites for hours.

It is a different make and not a SJK but it looks ok.
220V Dental Lab Carving Knife Wax Adjustable Heater Infrared Sensor No Flame
Cost is £100 from China so it is an expensive unit.

Being able to dial in the heat it should be possible to have "sub-click" temps (the dynavap click is when it reaches vaporization temp).
Dialled in "sub-click" is repeatable and will produce superior taste.
Trying to do consistent "sub-click" temps with a torch just isn't possible because it relies on guess work!

I link it as it may be hard to find otherwise - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220V-Den...rentrq:2cfdf85416a0ab452e74f2ddffee6b2d|iid:1

There are also many DIY , dirty ghetto mods on the internet, where people have bought small induction units.
A very basic and cheap way to have an IH and who cares if it get lost or breaks, you just build another one and hopefully learn something on the way.
Many of these DIY builder use the 5V-12V 120W Low Voltage ZVS Induction Heating Power Supply Module w/Heater Coil. I have not built one but I have bought one of these coils for research purposes just to see what can be achieved on the cheap. Maybe I will be happy with iut maybe I won't time will tell!

These coils and power supplies only costa few pounds/dollars, for DIY builds , I'll leave you to have a look around the web and see what you can find.
Adding a PWM (Pulse width Modulation) unit (I have read not to buy cheap PWM's as they can hum) means you can get more targeted result (More research needed, as I have no answers in regards to this)!

That's all I have for now!

Having vaping



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Salutations everybody,

Time to rejuvenate after some long hibernation! Not to mention i propose the audience to embark my time machine for a quick ride...


This was 10 years ago:


This is my answer now:

In other words i could have served this illustration even 10 years before the creation of my Egzoset alias...


M'well, simply in case the reader might not be aware of what i'm all about in our pro-cannabic universe, it turns out i wrote a long concatenating "intro" on some other board recently:

(click to visualize)

Never mind visit me there, i cancelled the account kind of early... :tang:

Anyway, my subject today is the "Switchless management of workload insertion/removal based on Curie effect (vs frequency)", it's on the "Induction Heater" channel of Reddit by the way, but the real clues are over there:

Tired of blown power stages in over-simplified Mazilli/Royer oscillator!?? (2020-Jul-4)

Briefly put my point is to argue that the over-simplistic ZVS modules were fine during an exploration phase but the time has come to learn from past mistakes and doing so one may discover there's even more reward awaiting further, as explained in texts serving here as a detailed context. The bottom line appears to be that an IH-driver should never blow power stages on random no matter what the operator did (or didn't do!), while the fix brings full/safe automation as a bonus: yes it's a good idea to follow KISS reasoning but sometimes What You See Is Not What You Get...

Beware, "Stupid" in "KISS" often generates confusion in genres! :doh: The thing is i can't but keep thinking in presence of a permanent magnetic "bias" (a magnet...) the workload susceptor shall behave like a bi-directional transducer, possibly even a rudimentary microphone perhaps! I'm hoping this intuition is as correct as that of Graham Bell when inventing his telephone in the Victorian age, because it could very well mean the DV VC can double as a haptic/tactile/audio user interface... E. G. Bye, bye buttons and displays!! Welcome single-handed visually-impaired "stoner$"/"droÿé$"! Etc., etc...


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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The Tool Box...


Please accept my apologies if deamed inadequate, or pass it around if this was of some value, hopefully inspiring or even enjoyable!

Briefly put my excerpt shown above is announcing some potential Mazzilli-2, so to speak!... :coffee2:

More precisely, what appears to by an "eval board" by Texas Instruments is now found on mercantile advertizing sites and sold as a ready-made 300 Watts + 300 Watts "Induction Heater". And of course these may as well prove to be under-rated clones, etc...


One funny detail about this could be that i happened to be investigating (strictly for my own personal use) similar opportunities in hope to adapt such ready-made circuitry, by changing frequency-determing components (e.g. in the audio Power-Switching Class-D stage of an "Hi-Fi" amplifier)... Unfortunately, what's quite possibly dull or even frankly deceiving (...) about this particular perspective is the disturbing idea that despite all the brute force of a non-modified Ti TPA3255-EVM "module" it's still presumably limited to audible frequencies (generally assumed to range around the 20 ~ 20 KHz band), while i vaguely recall reading about an extended bandwidth mode of 44~48 KHz for "digital audio" i think, but that's still hardly the 100 ~ 200 KHz band which seems generally popular with DynaVap VapCaps if i'm still not mistaking.

To top it all, when paying closer attention to related photographs i'd actually bet they're just plain Cut 'n Paste copies obtained from Ti sources! ... :2cents:

So, eitheir i should myself consider trying to heat 0.75 g of magnetizable metal @ 20 (or 48?) KHz using a few hundred Watts -or- that's simply too good to be true... Consequently my free piece of advice for IH enthousiasts is to use extra caution dealing with yet another apparent case of mis-representation where we can see no hints whatsoever of "rework" (once again...), nor even instructions on how to perform an IH-compatible circuit conversion - assuming it's at least compatible with Ti's many on-chip hard-wired protection features anyway...


Honestly i feel worried this could be an early sample from another long series, similar to the Mazzilli topology craze which IMO has caused enough damage as it is already! Lets make the situation clear, i'm thinking of allowing the worse scenarios to occur by design, depending on external support modules to even interrupt catastrophic failure AFTER it has been triggered...


M'well, At least the TPA3255 is rated for a 2 Ohms (relatively "safe") short-circuit, substitution of a voice-coil characterized with such impedance should be easier if aiming for the ultra-sonic band i figure.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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