Indoor DWC Discussion


Im Joe Grizzly Bitch!!!!!
Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
I have a soil grow at the moment and am about to start another grow as this one is about 2 or 3 weeks from finishing.....I ordered the powergro dwc single bucket setup and have everything else i a little weary on this tho as i have two problems to solve before i start my grow....1 will be res temp.....not sure how i will keep the res at an optimum temp for growth as it will be in a tent that is 36 x 36 x 63........i heard the little chillers on amazon work well w this type of setup....prob go w that......which brings me to my next speedbump.......changing my res once the grow starts....i realize it wont be like growing photos bc the size wont be enormous but how careful does someone have to be when doin this........would it be so much easier if i just bought another bucket and used two buckets for a single plant.......thinkin ab putting holes in the interior bucket like a minnow bucket is and actually have the 2 buckets or outter bucket hold the water and when i change i can just take pull the inner bucket out and let the water go out the holes leaving the outter bucket w solution..........then wash rinse and refill that way......anyone have any easier ways????
hey merlin, sounds like you already know what direction to go with the res temp. as for changing the res, its easiest if you can have your bucket on top of a milk crate or something and then just tip your water gauge down and let the bucket drain out of there. that way you dont have to pick up your plant especially when it gets big. ill be lookin for your grow log when you start your dwc. youll get a monster out of it for sure
For sure.......good call on the crate.......i woulda definately forgotten that......
Im sure there will be a host of rookie or first time growers mistakes in this whole dwc big do autos get when u veg in a dwc bucket? I know strain varies but compared to soil if u had two of the same strains and phenos would one be bigger than they other.......or just yield more budsites and finished product.....i dont know plenty still and wont know what to ask till i get into the grow im sure but still im trying to get everything figured out for as smooth of a first grow i can get......
Thank you for ur replies
Every bit if knowledge helps me
prepare for a larger plant. not only are the buckets tall and large but the plant itself will be quite a bit bigger than in a soil or soil-less media grow. training will help with the vertical too. and hey, if you just keep up on the maintenance of the reservoir and keep your feed a little scaled back until you know what your plant can handle you should be just fine too. dwc is easy if you can force yourself to put in the work when necessary and the plant will reward you
Sorry dark......all iguana juice here pal......and a lil h202 and hydroguard......this is the first time ive used nutrients period........All my other grows have been in soil so far and mostly outdoors as far as my own grows.....have had some friends grow in their places and let me keep a plant or two in w theirs....but as far as actually obtaining everything i need for a successful and healthy grow indiors i just started buying things a month and a half ago and i got it all sent to me within a month period and then placed a seed order w the single seed centre just to make sure it would make it to me it was only a 100 dollar order as a test run so to i really just started up myself as far as my own indoor grow....but this iguana juice has produced bery noticeable results compared to no nutrients in my previous endeavors.......trying to stay all organic if possible.......just for personal reasons......lemme know if u get any inout tho as id like to soak up all the info a blank canvas w DWC
Little bit of rainwater i collected last night i checkd ph and its 7.1 with a ppm of i added some calmag hydroguard and h202 and stuck my airstone in it for air and am using it as needed w nutes once a week and for waterings in between without nutes.....just started using it today so ill post any different results from using tap and phing that


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