Outdoor dwarf grow in dwarf greenhouse

Feb 3, 2015
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hi all,

here is my late outdoor gorw for this year...

strain is lowryder#1 and seeds i got from my last grow and have 29 plants total in there

i have em in a small 180cm x 90cm x 90cm greenhouse i recently purchased from the web and have some strawberry's in there for cover...
i have dug about one foot deep clearing all soil and filled that up with a mix of garden soil, potting soil and clay pellets all from local garden store and have made boundries with pvc at the same width and length as my small greenhouse i didnt put any pvc on the bottom so the roots can go as deep as they like

at the moment i have taken the cover of from the greenhouse cause somehow not getting fresh wind made the young plants weak and die so when they are a bit stronger in a few days ill put the cover back on and just open the hatches for fresh air

i hope to get me a few nice plants for smoke only as i have not got deccent smoke of my seed run and am curious how the buds are when grown without pollinating

here are some first pictures i took tonight :)




here is also a picture of how the greenhouse looks with its cover

gewächshaus 12.JPG

gewächshaus 14.JPG
gewächshaus 10.JPG
gewächshaus 11.JPG

the plants are in full sun almost the entire day accept for an hour maybe 2cause the sun is behind a tree then but it will be in full sun after it clears the tree untill the sun goes down

will post some pics again in a couple of days to show progress as it comes :)

greets SIN


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plants are still very little and some are starting to flower just now so i guess it was too late and all i might get is a fluffy bud here and there so gotta wait till next year im afraid..

will let them sit in there and hopefully in 6 weeks harvest a few small buds just for the fun of it :)

when they are done ill post a few pics of their mini buds :)

greets SIN
I like your little greenhouse. That is fun. Camp chair in the background is a bonus.
I hope you can anchor the greenhouse against wind. I always underestimate how much damage wind can do.
hi hubba,

yes i have ankered it .. its a shame i got it too late in the season but next year i will give it a proper run

think its perfect for dwarf strains in a backyard or so when nosey neighbours shouldnt be seeing too much and its also easy to setup ;)

we have quite a bit of october storms here but i think when a real storm comes i will just take the cloth off untill heavy winds go down again

greets Sin
so far still 9 ladys left, rest were either male or killed due to cold nights last few weeks
i have one very small one though that was eaten at the stem by a snail and plant was bend down on the ground.. when i later checked it i saw it was still alive and wanted to put it upright again but it was stuck to the ground lol
at the point where stem had hit the ground it just rooted again having 2 roots now and a bent stem :)

the ones still standing are not that great and the season ended really early this year and doesnt look we will get much sun in the near future

i might pollinate em with some scott's og and a male i am not sure of what strain it is

at least thatway i willstill get something out of these ladies

greets sin
Woah... what a great project!

I luv this strain real bad...

Im subscribed already!
Well it all looked cool to me - tho in a plot that size i'd have been tempted to just scatter them about and call em weeds - at least that's what I do in the garden and a few know they aren't but the dwarf autos at least don't turn into bushes that the neighbours can readily complain about. I have an allotment but if I were to put up a mini-greenhouse tent I know that some nosey parker would be opening it up to see what I had going/growing on in there. I find just scattering them about is much more effective disguise. As they say (and don't we all).... Till next Spring

Next year I plan to start early and give my girls 3-4 weeks of artificial light goodness before they go out - then roll out several crops knowing that there will be losses at the start and end of our brief summer.