Indoor Duurty Magic Grow for Broke !!


Colorado Legal Babeeee!!!
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
a Little Dab 'll Do Ya.ask Elvis !!
Hi Guys !! Gonna be starting the Journal for the Duurty Magic Grow,Along with some other plants 8 total !!
Light: Since all i have is two HID's ill be lowering the wattage to 350 to start and raising as ready/needed to the 600..gonna run at 19/5 schedule
Media: Elevations Brand High Alltitude Coco/pearlite 60/40..In 2 Gallon Geo (fabric)Bags measuring 8" at base 9" tall
Nutes: gonna continue with the Lucas Ratio for simplicity,Maxibloom Powder/Cyco brand Silica,GH Cal Mag,and later on Cyco Supa Stiky or Molasses, I will have at least 2 other grows to compare the finished plants against(still kinda new and deciding what nute regimen to go with next,as i continue to learn),Thanks @Weedman30 and @surffreak (i will be following )
Water Source**** Most Important,as i had some troubles with the AU's last grow. I was using Softened water(big no-no) but,I have one spigot that is not softened and will get water from outside(sometimes i hate winter,been in the teens lately)..anyway the ppm of the tap water has varies from 60-200 and i will track befores and after nutes added,and check with blue lab ph meter,ppm meter is a hanna model.
So the seeds arrived and were soaked overnight,then put on a seedling mat,they have all popped and will go into the coco later the pics
PB280002.JPG PB280005.JPG and the areaPB280001.JPG ,kinda a dungeon feel ya ?
Thanks @surffreak ,sometimes its not good to have too much space(i pushed my last grow to 10sf,running one lamp,light hood is too focused),tents at least have reflective surfaces,my issue (with tents)was temp control,heat kept causing buds to be light and airy plus i have a habit of putting too many in there(hard to water using coco/frequency),..I am using oscillating fans to move the heat away..was in-between grows and dying of boredom,but thatll be the last time that happens(have more seeds on the ready)..itll be a few days for the update,when they break the coco..Thanks for watching...Cheers
Should be interesting - I also have some Duurty Magic beans to pop but that won't be till next spring (April) as I'm an outdoor grower.
Hey whats going on guys,,just an update,....The seeds were planted on sunday the 29th,they have been kept moist but they dont wanna seem to come out of the coco(maybe stagefright :rofl:),i was getting a little anxious so i carefully dug around for a seed to see what was going on,....The tap root is out of the shell(on one,i only looked at one) but they seem to be moving reeeaaallly slow...Not sure what is going on,maybe i killed them, the same time some sodk seeds and a nirvana swiss cheese seed were germed/planted..The cheese is above ground,so ill continue to wait on the further updates or pics at this time....peace out !!!
Well guys,In my haste to keep up with the big boys i have created a lot of waste,My seeds were doomed from the start.:sadcry:.Im pretty sure the seed/mat sprouter overheated the seeds and "cooked" them. I'm not sure if this added to the problem as well but,following the advice from one of our threads i did not rinse and precharge my coco.It is loose,buffered coco with pearlite and i figured it would be good to go..So not only did i lose the Duurty Magic seeds i lost four Mephisto SODK's,...I have since rinsed the coco and precharged the coco and went back to the tried and proven method of sprouting seeds(auto wappa and auto ultimates),and things are going well .....Theres a new Dragon Slayer in town,and trust me,thats not a title i want to have...I was almost too embarrassed to post this,but it is what it is,an unfortunate way to learn from my mistake...Cheers guys !!!
Aw bummer man, I hope the next round goes better! I've still never used a heat pad for germination and usually get 100 percent even if it takes a bit longer for one or two. I have also noticed that these seeds were slower to pop and get above ground. Seem to be fine once they do, if a little slow due to being feminised I'm assuming.